September 22, 2024

Kim Kardashian Is ‘Pregnant And Flawless,’ Khloe Defends

While Khloe Kardashian has been sporting a fitter figure these days, pregnant big sister Kim has been getting a lot of criticism for her curvier one. And, Khloe has a message for all the online haters who are taking shots at Kim’s growing baby bump, noting they are completely uncalled for.

And, it’s not just because people are criticizing a pregnant woman, but because they are critiquing a woman’s appearance in general.

“I’m very flattered about the compliments. I’ve had the worst criticism. And then I hate that if I’m being healthy, and it’s taken six or eight months to get here, it’s not anything fast, but then they want to take a dig at my sister at the same breath. And that’s what irritates me. She’s gorgeous, pregnant and flawless. I hate that. It is ridiculous,” she told MTV News on Wednesday, when she stopped by to open up about the June 2 season premiere of

The E! star continued, “I think, like, whatever size you are, if you’re comfortable that’s beautiful. I don’t think anyone should be cookie-cutter. That’s not life and we’re all different for a reason and we should embrace our differences. I find that beautiful.”

Yeezus! Khloe Can’t Wait For Kim’s Baby Shower Sunday!

But, for those wondering how Khloe has gotten in shape, she opened up about her current workout and diet regime.

“[I’ve been] working out like crazy! It’s been a long process. Its’ been six or eight months… it’s not anything fast, nothing will happen overnight,” she said. “And it’s just me being more aware of what I eat. I’m not on any diet ’cause I love food and I feel like life surrounds [itself] at the dinner table. That’s when you spend quality time. So I don’t want to sacrifice in that area. I’m just more aware. If I want to eat something, I’m not gonna eat maybe a whole pizza. I’ll have like one or two slices, instead of, like, 20. It’s more about me working out consistently.”

And she’s also not getting healthy for anyone but herself, adding, “I did it for me, just to get healthy. I love me at any size. I always have.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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