September 25, 2024

Riff Raff’s Guide To Vine: ‘Look Good, Feel Good … Eat A Lot Of Lobster’

Although video-sharing service Vine is replete with shaky, 6-second footage of dogs cavorting and children hamming it up, studded in there — like so many diamonds in a cheap plastic pair of shades — there is genius. And that genius is undoubtedly Riff Raff.

Jody Highroller is a Vine master — serving up 6-second bursts of majesty with every tap of the iPhone screen. From Dada-esque vids featuring Riff screaming, “I have most funza when by SELF!” to opulent displays of swags and snacks, Riff is definitely worth a follow — if you’re not already one of his 417,000-plus Vine denizens. You can find him under “Riff Raff” on the app.

“Yeah, I’ve done a lot of Vines,” Riff told MTV News, an unidentified woman by his side. “My personal favorite is the one where I’m in front of the camera and I look good.”

The Raffster benevolently took some time out from suing the “Spring Breakers” team and prepping his debut album, Neon Icon, to impart on us some Vine-making tips, including, “You gotta be color-coordinated in all your videos,” “Your socks have to match the girl that you’re with,” and “it doesn’t matter what you’re doing as long as you look good,” leaving us with this sage advice: “Look good, feel good, make a lot of money, eat a lot of lobster.”

Don’t forget to Vine that lobster-eating, Riff. That has “instant classic” written all over it.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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