September 24, 2024

Travie McCoy Tells Us Who ‘Rough Waters’ Is Really About

Since his breakup with Katy Perry back in 2009, Travie McCoy has teased he may use their relationship in his songwriting. So, when he dropped his new single, “Rough Waters,” many asked if it was about the “Roar” singer.

But when MTV News caught up with the Gym Class Heroes frontman, he revealed that isn’t the case at all. So, who is the leading lady?

“It was a song I wrote about my ex-girlfriend, who I’m still actually really cool with,” Travie said. “I’ve always kind of avoided confrontation. And this relationship, she was French so it was kind of a language barrier… but whenever confrontation would arise I would just like leave the room and let her simmer down. And then I realized that that wasn’t really helping things. I started actually listening to her.”

McCoy teamed up with Jason Mraz on “Rough Waters,” a collaboration that he considers “a happy accident.”

“Benny Blanco, who produced the song, I believe he was working with Jason, and Jason laid some guitars on it and re-sang the hook. And Benny sent it to me and I was like, ‘whoa, this is like on a whole other planet now.'”

Mraz isn’t the only person making sweet music with the rapper: McCoy also teamed up with Australian singer Sia on “Won’t Go Down.” And when he drops LP sometime next year, he says that track will “get into your stomach, into your ears and then you’re going to feel tingle bunnies down your arms.”

While Travie is certain these songs will be slam dunks, he doesn’t plan on enlisting the help of any others on his sophomore solo album.

“Over the years, I’ve got a lot more comfortable with my singing voice so I think as opposed to running out and looking for guest appearances to handle the hook situation I think I’m just going to take it on myself.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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