September 24, 2024

‘The Voice’ Recap: Robin Thicke Helps Top 8 ‘Feel Good’

top eight brought their A-games for another night of live performances on Monday night (November 25).

Robin Thicke helped set the mood with the television debut of his new song “Feel Good.” Thicke took audiences back with his signature R&B falsetto vibe, kicking it up a notch by climbing on top of his jeweled piano.

With what might be the most talented top eight in all the show’s five seasons, it was a night of great highs, literally.

Here are some of the best moments:

James Wolpert
Tech-nerd-turned-rockstar Wolpert continued to shine by taking big risks with Queen’s “Somebody to Love.” The Team Adam favorite scored with a dynamic performance, backed with an army of tuxedoed men that Levine called “unbelievably amazing.” Wolpert has admitted to falling prey to his “overzealousness” in the past, but it paid off this week, with the singer coming into his new star persona and delivering what Green called “one of the absolute best performances ever.”

Caroline Pennell
The “Dog Days Are Over” for sweet Caroline. The sole member of Team Cee Lo found herself in the bottom three last week, determined more than ever to fight and stay in the competition. Taking on the Florence and the Machine track was a way for Pennell to change the game and show a new, stronger side to the sweet 17-year-old. While she finally had her moment, it was coach Green who stole the thunder when he read out a note he wrote for Pennell:

“Here we are with nothing but each other, against all of these odds, and there you are, there you are and the only reason you’re alone is because everyone and everything disappears. You are the only thing that matters to me at this moment,” Green said, eliciting a crowd of cheers. “So if you win nothing else, you win because you win my heart. I love you, sweet Caroline, I truly do.”

Will Champlin
Countless artists in reality singing shows have attempted to take on Etta James and few have come out standing. Fewer of those artists, if any, have been men. Well, Team Adam’s Champlin set himself apart not only as a male singing the classic “At Last” but coming out a winner. The rock/soul version was not only different but entertaining and all-out cool. Hitting every high note known to man, Champlin put his passion on display. “Tremendous job,” Xtina said. “My spirit lives in that song.”

Jacquie Lee
The little girl with the big voice might have stolen the show with a soulful performance of “Who’s Loving You.” Team Christina’s 16-year-old powerhouse reminded us of her coach with her long opening high note, and was only surpassed by every note to follow as the young singer delivered a strong and precise performance far beyond her years. “There’s a reason you have a lot of soul in your voice,” Aguilera pointed out before Green added, “It’s like you swallowed an old lady or something.”

Voters will have their work cut out for them, having to choose among an exceptionally strong roster of top eight. But, alas, it is a competition and two more hopefuls will be eliminated tomorrow as “The Voice” inches toward crowning its champion.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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