September 23, 2024

One Direction Reveal Who The ‘Daddy’ Of The Group Is In New ‘This Is Us’ Clip

With only two weeks until the DVD release of , One Direction gave fans an early look at some of the extra clips featured on the December 17 disc.

Director Morgan Spurlock teased that that didn’t make it into the theatrical release (and its subsequent extended fan cut) would eventually make it onto the DVD, when we spoke to him back in August. And now fans are getting an idea of what some of that extra material is all about.

In one clip, the fellas open up about their bandmate Louis Tomlinson. “Louis is a great person to just, like, sit and kind of, like, just admire what he’s like,” Harry Styles shares while footage of Louis stuffing snacks in his mouth and playing pranks plays out.

“If it wasn’t for Louis, we’d be the most boring band in the world,” Niall Horan adds.

In another clip, Directioners learn about Louis’ one-time enemy, Liam Payne, who Louis describes as “the daddy” of the group.

“Funniest thing now is that me and Louis did not get on at all,” Liam shares of the guys’ early days on the “X Factor” in the U.K. “There was one point where I literally wanted to whack him.”

“That’s why he got the name Daddy Directioner,” Louis explains of Payne in the clip. If fans need further evidence of the nickname, the clip also includes scenes of Liam trying keep all the guys under control. But Zayn reveals that they have “corrupted” him since those “X Factor” days.

These clips are just a glimpse of what will be included in the DVD version of “This Is Us.” One Direction allowed cameras to follow them while they were on the road; making their latest album, Midnight Memories; and on days off as they spent time with their families.

“We shot for six months. We shot 963 hours of footage over six months. It was massive,” Spurlock shared with MTV News over the summer about shooting. “It’s tough when you start editing down a film to 90 minutes. What do you keep? What do you get rid of? And, ultimately, it’s what continues to feed the narrative the best, what tells the best linear story. And that’s what we kind of focused on,” he explained. “For me, the core of the movie is about dreams and it’s about family and everything that inter-relates to that.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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