September 23, 2024

Green Goblin Who? Dane DeHaan Responds To Early ‘Spider-Man’ Photo

On Monday, a tri-poster for “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” revealed, in addition to an armored Rhino, the first look at a character that resembles both the Green Goblin and the actor playing Harry Osborn, Dane DeHaan. So how could we not ask the man himself when we saw him at the Gotham Independent Film Awards in New York City?

Even though DeHaan is new to the whole big-budget superhero game, he was able to dodge questions like a pro. When MTV News’ Josh Horowitz showed him a close-up of the poster, DeHaan went tight-lipped, avoided the question and suggested that people who want answers should just check out the first trailer, which will debut on “Good Morning America” on December 5. Up until now, it was widely believed that the Osborns (Harry and his father) as villains would be saved for future installments of the franchise.

“The trailer comes out in three days, and a lot will be revealed then,” DeHaan said. “I’m an Osborn. It’s a blurry photo. Just wait until you see the trailer.”

The deferral certainly seemed suspicious, especially when you consider the resemblance between the figure on the poster and DeHaan, as well as the actor’s insistence that he’s “an Osborn,” perhaps referencing the family’s penchant for dressing up in green and riding on gliders.

So while he couldn’t comment on any Goblin-centric rumors, DeHaan did seem eager for audiences to get a first look at “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” and possibly get the answers they seek. “I’m really excited for everybody to see it and for people to learn all sorts of things about it and see how kick-ass it’s going to be.”

“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” opens in theaters on May 2, 2014.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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