September 30, 2024

Nelson Mandela Remembered by Bono, Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles

 continue to pour in as the world mourns the loss of iconic anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela, who died
 Thursday (December 5) at 95 following a series of lung infections.

Among the most poignant eulogies was one from U2 singer and global activist Bono, who penned a lengthy item on that described Mandela as “a forceful presence” in his life.

“Mandela would be remembered as a remarkable man just for what happened — and didn’t happen — in South Africa’s transition,” Bono wrote. “But more than anyone, it was he who rebooted the idea of Africa from a continent in chaos to a much more romantic view, one in keeping with the majesty of the landscape and the nobility of even its poorer inhabitants. He was also a hardheaded realist, as his economic policy demonstrated. To him, principles and pragmatism were not foes; they went hand in hand. He was an idealist without -naiveté, a compromiser without being compromised.”

Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Mariah Carey, Justin Bieber, Hillary Clinton, Harry Styles, director Steve McQueen, Nicki Minaj and were among the chorus of additional voices who posted words of respect and admiration for the late Mandela.

»Lady Gaga: “It is such a sad yet beautiful moment that Nelson Mandela has passed. A time to celebrate him & remember his contributions to humankind.”

»Hillary Clinton: “Nelson Mandela was a champion for justice & human dignity, with unmatched grace. I’ll remember him as Madiba, truly an unconquerable soul.”

»Justin Bieber: “‪#RIPNelsonMandela”

»“12 Years a Slave” director Steve McQueen: “‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’ Nelson Mandela”

»Kendrick Lamar: “Advising all my young ones that follow me to research a small piece of Nelson Mandela Life. That’s how you pay your respect…… GO!”

»Mariah Carey: “‪My heart is breaking with everybody in the world, yet I’m feeling so humbled and blessed to have been… “

» “Nelson Mandela…I’m so sad … ‪#theWORLDisCRYING”

»Nicki Minaj: “A complete and fulfilled life of a King. We could never repay you for your dedicated, passionate fight against injustice. We enjoy the very liberties you gave your freedom for. Your legacy will never die. Thank you, and may God bless your soul.”

»Victoria Justice: “R.I.P. Nelson Mandela. A brave soul who inspired millions & made a legendary impact on the world. #ThankYou #GreatHuman”

»Justin Timberlake: “One of our GREATEST leaders… Thank you for BEING the true meaning of compassion. May you be at peace now. ‪#RIPNelsonMandela.”

»Harry Styles: “RIP Nelson Mandela.”

»Britney Spears: “Nelson Mandela was a true inspiration to all humanity. He will truly be missed.”

»Channing Tatum: “To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” – Nelson Mandela”

»Kendrick Lamar: “Advising all my young ones that follow me to research a small piece of Nelson Mandela Life. That’s how you pay your respect…… GO!”

»Jennifer Lopez: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Rest in Peace Nelson Mandela. You will be missed. ‪#trueinspiration ‪#peoplewhochangetheworld.”

»Janelle Monae: “1 of the most important&greatest individuals to walk on this Earth. Nelson Mandela. He walked the walk. He was 4 THE PEOPLE. Nelson Mandela.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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