September 29, 2024

Justin Bieber Caught Telling N-Word-Laced Racist Joke On Video

Justin Bieber is in hot water after a video featuring him repeatedly saying the n-word has surfaced years after it was recorded.

The footage was reportedly shot as part of his 2011 documentary “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never.”

The clip features a young Bieber telling a racist joke and then – ignoring his pal’s prompts to stop – dropping a nonsensical punchline that includes repetition (five times, to be exact) of the offensive word.


The video was first posted today by British tabloid The Sun. TMZ has since claimed that they’ve had the video for four years, but didn’t post it because Bieber was 15 at the time and immediately expressed regret.

TMZ quoted “sources connected with Bieber” as saying he is “frustrated and sad.” According to TMZ sources, a public statement is expected in the next day or so – we’ll be following the story closely.

About the author  ⁄ Katie Calautti

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