September 29, 2024

About the author  ⁄ Alicia Lutes

Tracy Morgan Remains in Critical Condition As Driver Posts Bail

by 06/08/14

“30 Rock” actor and comedian Tracy Morgan remains in critical condition following a massive accident in New Jersey on Saturday (June 7), but the man charged with causing the accident has already posted bail.

The man, 35-year-old Kevin Roper, is said to have posted $50,000 bail, according Sgt. Gregory Williams of New Jersey State Police (by way of CNN). Roper’s alleged dozing off caused the accident that resulted in a chain reaction including the limo bus Morgan and others were riding in, injuring several and causing the death of comedian James “Jimmy Mack” McNair.

McNair, 63, was riding in the limo bus with Morgan when the accident occurred. Fellow comedians Ardie Fuqua and Harris Stanton were also injured, as was Jeffrey Millea. So far one person has since been released from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, but neither the police nor the hospital would disclose the person’s name at the time of publication.

Roper was charged with one count of death by auto and four counts of assault by auto. The truck he was driving was owned by Wal-Mart, and the company has already said it would take “full responsibility” if it shows the truck was the cause of the accident.

As for the scene? An report on called the incident “really bad” and a “horrific sight.”

“My husband saw the Wal-Mart truck swerving, and he slammed on the brakes,” an eyewitness only identified as Vicktoria told “The truck hit the Mercedes, and then it hit ...

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So This Happened: ‘Baby Got Back’ Got Backed-Up By An Orchestra

by 06/08/14

Congratulations, Seattle Symphony, because you just pulled off one of the coolest, most unexpected things we’ve seen of late. The classically trained musicians teamed up with hometown boy Sir Mix-A-Lot to bring us the fanciest version of “Baby Got Back” that we’ve ever heard.

“What I want to do now is something you really should not do,” the rapper proclaimed before recruiting a bunch of ladies to come onstage. As soon as composer Gabriel Prokofiev’s arrangement of the ’90s anthem kicked in, though, folks were 100 percent on board.

“Tonight is Orchestral Movements From The Hood Night,” Mix stated, explaining the core of the evening’s festivities: Seattle Symphony’s Sonic Evolution. It’s a project that bridges the gap “between the Symphony and Seattle’s storied reputation as launching pad for some of the most creative musicians on the popular music scene.” None more creative than this, no doubt.

Even classical musicians don’t want none unless you’ve got buns, hun. Huh. Who knew?


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Nicholas Cage Wore A Shirt With His Own Face On It And All Was Right With The World

by 06/08/14

The thing we all have to understand about Nicolas Cage, actor, director, intergalactic man of mystery and producer extraordinaire: he makes his own rules. He does not give a flying pancake what the rest of us think.

All of this is evidenced in this beautiful photograph of him and Andrew Dice Clay backstage at a Guns N’ Roses concert.

That might be the most ’80s sentence that ever happened, you guys.

All at once a Nouveau Shaman, the father of Kal-El (a.k.a. Superman’s birth name that he shares with Cage’s youngest son), and an avant garde expressionist, Cage embodied all of this with this get-up that we’re classifying as Cage Distilled: Nutter Purple Cowboy Edition.

There’s a lot going on (and it is glorious): cowboy hat, several beaded necklaces with a matching bracelet, a Barney-esque purple blazer, fringed black jeans, mirrored aviators, Andrew Dice Clay, a cane — is that faux gun-holster belt? — several statement cocktail rings, a goblet-esque glass of wine, and the true pièce de résistance: a shirt with what can only be described as a Rage Face rendering of Cage’s own mug.

It is a thing of beauty. Bask in its glory in full, again:

Mr Nicolas Cage and Mr Andrew Dice Clay

Ride on, Nic Cage. Ride on.


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‘Orphan Black’ Just Exploded Television’s Gender Norms With A New Clone

by 06/08/14

So. There’s a new clone on Orphan Black. And while that prospect was always sort of an inevitable one, we bet you didn’t see this particular clone comin’. Because the latest clone isn’t like the others: Tony is trans.

BBC America

Yep: the sestrahood like no other just compounded on that slogan of theirs and upped the sexual and gender fluidity ante on a show that’s already done so much to champion and pioneer the way people think about sex and gender on a breaking-new-ground level. And we’re sure Tony’s existence is going to cause a stir — or at least a discussion on our expanding understanding of sex and gender on a much larger level.

Tony — formerly Antoinette Zwicky — is trans: identifying himself in a way that bucks the traditional gender binary grain. But it’s important to note what, exactly, that means as Tony’s existence is not so cut-and-dry: he’s altered his reproductive organs (read: he shoots himself up with testosterone, has a penis) while simultaneously expressing his gender in a non-traditional way (he has long hair, was born female). This, naturally, can cause some confusion considering our world’s up-until-recently, longstanding two-pronged sex and gender system.

The term “transgender” — or its shorthand, trans — is more an umbrella term than anything else. According to the American Psychological Association, a person may identify as transgender if their “gender identity, gender expression, or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the ...

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We’re So Mad at Piper After That ‘Orange is The New Black’ Premiere

by 06/06/14

It should be noted: this post has spoilers, y’all! You have officially been warned. Now, let’s talk about Piper Chapman. “Orange is The New Black” is back and though there may have been a partial change to the location and setting, some things have remained the same: like Chapman’s total inability to listen to herself and what she knows is right for her. Oh, Chapman — when are you going to learn?

The most frustrating inmate in all of Litchfield just made us even angrier with her latest stupid move: lying under oath in court. She took her one chance to really come clean and blew it. Blew the whole thing up and possibly further implicated herself. Piper! No!

Chapman is an interesting case, isn’t she? She has an almost knee-jerk impulse to do the opposite of what she knows is right for herself and everyone around her. But “OITNB” isn’t about Chapman’s reformation — not yet — it’s about her greater understanding of herself and what she’s capable of… even if those abilities put her further in the muck.

The biggest happening in the premiere episode involved Chapman and ex-girlfriend/drug mule Alex Vause’s arrival at a Chicago maximum security prison where they were set to appear in the trial that got them sent to Litchfield in the first place. And while the whole episode led us to believe that maybe, finally, Chapman would think with her head rather than her heart when it came to doing what was best for herself ...

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‘Game Of Thrones’ Pedro Pascal Has The Most Amazing Funeral Idea Ever

by 06/03/14

Now, if you’ve somehow not been spoiled and/or have thus far successfully kept “The Mountain and The Viper” storyline revelations at bay — and good on you for that impressive feat — it would be pertinent for you to then also skip this post, because guess what? It contains some serious Game of Thrones spoilers. Good? OK.

Pedro Pascal, supremely talented actorperson that brought fan favorite Oberyn Martell to life has a very vivid imagination. One filled with raging parties, impressive elephants, and even a fried-up Lannister or two. Which is likely why, when Vanity Fair asked him to describe what he imagined the Dornish funeral for his character would look like, came out so detail-specific and strange (in the best way, because elephants).

Now we don’t know about the rest of you, but: doesn’t this sound like the sort of funeral you’d be remiss to not attend? We’re hopping on a boat to Sunspear now, Oberyn.


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Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Animated Interview About Addiction And Happiness Will Break Your Heart

by 06/03/14

Philip Seymour Hoffman‘s emotional vulnerability is often what made him such a spellbinding actor. His commitment to owning and living in those truths is what made him an icon gone far too soon.

Never before have the actor’s mastery of the complexities of human emotion more evident than in Blank on Blank’s latest animated video installment, featuring Hoffman in conversation with Simon Critchley from December 22, 2012. To call it worth your time would be an understatement.

Despite the sadness permeating the conversation at hand — coupled with the fact that Hoffman lost his life to the darker impulses he makes reference to — it is clear that the actor was an optimist and uplifted by his handle on reality. Both fully aware of his excess and impulses (and what it takes to control them), while simultaneously longing for that lack of control and understanding, Hoffman’s thoughtfulness on the matter cannot be understated. It’s poignant, sad, uplifting, and funny: everything we’ve come to expect and love from the actor.


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Justin Bieber’s Racist Joke: Soulja Boy And More Come To His Defense

by 06/02/14

The Internet just about blew up on Sunday after a video surfaced of a 15-year-old Justin Bieber telling a racist joke.Bieber was quick to apologize, calling it a “childish and inexcusable mistake” in a statement to TMZ.

“I’m very sorry,” Bieber said shortly after the video leaked. “I take my friendships with people of all cultures very seriously and I apologize for offending or hurting anyone with my childish and inexcusable mistake.”

But the Internet was divided on whether or not that apology was enough. Over in the comments of our initial post, a veritable firestorm erupted, with user versatyle tha wildchyld saying: “its [sic] amazing how people will rationalize such behavior and then think that an [sic] public apology rectifies the issue, we excuse him because he is ‘famous,’ when we have people who are dying and losing their lives daily over such issues, such a mentality, because we as a people… as a country accept this as the ‘norm.’”

On Twitter, that sentiment was echoed by several users:

Fellow MTV commenter e_hartley agreed, adding “[I] was horrified by the video when [I] saw it,” but there were also quite a few fans coming to his defense — and some big-name celebs, too.

Also sticking up for Justin were long-time friends Floyd Mayweather and Soulja Boy. Mayweather took to Twitter to say the “Boyfriend” singer has been “nothing but kind” to him and his family, while the rapper told TMZ that “Let ...

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Justin Bieber Apologizes For Racist Joke: ‘I Was A Kid Then’

by 06/01/14

Justin Bieber is not wasting any time with his latest scandal. The singer has already issued an apology for a video of his 15-year-old self telling an N-word laced racist joke.

“I’m very sorry,” the singer told TMZ. “I take my friendships with people of all cultures very seriously and I apologize for offending or hurting anyone with my childish and inexcusable mistake. I was a kid then and I am a man now who knows my responsibility to the world and to not make that mistake again.”

Bieber blamed his ignorance on the follies of youthful naïveté. “As a young man, I didn’t understand the power of certain words and how they can hurt,” he explained. “I thought it was ok to repeat hurtful words and jokes, but didn’t realize at the time that it wasn’t funny and that in fact my actions were continuing the ignorance.”


The singer went on, hoping to turn the whole thing into a lesson both for himself and others, stating, “Ignorance has no place in our society and I hope the sharing of my faults can prevent others from making the same mistake in the future. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say but telling the truth is always what’s right. Five years ago I made a reckless and immature mistake and I’m grateful to those close to me who helped me learn those ...

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Jack White Apologizes To The Black Keys, Adele, Amy Winehouse — Basically Everyone

by 06/01/14

Dear The Black Keys, Danger Mouse, Adele, Meg White, Duffy, Lana Del Ray, and Amy Winehouse: Jack White is sorry.

The longstanding feud between White and The Black Keys over the contents of a lengthy Rolling Stone profile and a series of private emails has reached critical mass, prompting the White Stripes frontman to respond with a long letter on his personal website.

Comparing The Black Keys to teenage posers (essentially), White stated: “There are kids at school who dress like everybody else, because they don’t know what to do, and there are musicians like that, too. I’ll hear TV commercials where the music’s ripping off sounds of mine, to the point I think it’s me. Half the time, it’s The Black Keys. The other half, it’s a sound-alike song because they couldn’t license one of mine. There’s a whole world that’s totally fine with the watered-down version of the original.”

He also went on to lambast several other artists in his rant, including Adele and the late Amy Winehouse.

“Some people will hear that and say ‘Oh, Jack White thinks he’s the first person to play the blues.’ But certain acts open up a market for a certain style. Amy Winehouse: Did she invent white soul? Wearing a beehive? No. But she did something brand new and fresh, altogether as a package, and you see who’s in her wake, from the Duffys to the Lana Del Reys. Adele selling 20 million records? That would not have ...

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