September 29, 2024

About the author  ⁄ Alicia Lutes

Keira Knightley Can Sing Like A Bona Fide Folkster

by 5 mins ago

For every Keira Knightley there are approximately 54,392 other actresses out there who claim to be able to sing that, well, kinda-sorta can’t. But the “Begin Again” star can actually, totally, 100% sing. Like really, really sing for real real.

Her folksy tone is prominently on display throughout the entirety of the film (which, if we may be so bold, is an warm-fuzzy delight of musical loveliness. Even the critics agree!), and takes center stage in the video for its breakup tune, “Like A Fool.”

We get some candied Aimee Mann/Martha Wainwright vibes with a little bit of Beth Orton thrown in for good measure — what about you? Plus, this song breaks our heart in the best way.

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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Badass Baby Only Stops Crying For Nine Inch Nails

by 15 mins ago

This baby is like, 100% more badass than we are. Because for most wee toddlers the music of Nine Inch Nails is prooooooobably not going to be calming. But this baby is clearly not like other babies.

This baby is going to grow up into the sort of cool girl who dresses all in black and has a record collection filled with her parents favorite retro bands from the nineties, like Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana and Nine Inch Nails. (Natch.) She’ll probably perfect cateye makeup before any of her friends and wear vintage t-shirts that are actually, well, old.

She’s going to be one deep, philosophical baby: contemplating the meaning (or lack thereof) of life. After all, we’re all just a copy of a copy those that have come before us (at least that’s what Nine Inch Nails thinks). This baby is going to be that cool girl you wish was your friend in college.

For anyone wondering, the song playing in the video is “Copy of A” off Nine Inch Nail’s latest album Hesitation Marks:

Trent Reznor’s been tweeting a lot of his feelings lately, maybe he’ll find out about his latest superfan and give her some love?

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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Try And Name Every Taylor Swift BFF In This Photo

by 4 mins ago

Alright, Taylor Swift superfans: your time is now.

Because, holy cats, the Taylor Swift Best Friend Brigade is having a meeting this 4th of July weekend with a few of its east coast members and at this point, and even we, the pop culture obsessive that we are, cannot list every BFF in this photo. It is that epic a gathering, chockablock with some of our favorites—and Taylor’s too, clearly!

It’s up to you now, Tay fans, to act swiftly (har har har we’re so clever and also modest), to hit the comments with a list of every famous biffle in this photo. Bonus points if some of them aren’t famous and you still know their name anyway (that’s serious TaySwift commitment). This is the moment for which you’ve all been waiting.

If you want to cheat a little bit, feel free to use this photo by Jaime King for assistance:

So let’s go — who’s who? Can you name them all?

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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This ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ Footage Is Totally Fake, Totally Awesome

by 23 mins ago

It’s totally obvious that this alleged footage from the “Star Wars Episode VII” set is fake. But that doesn’t make it any less cool and/or worthy of appreciation.

Because somebody — in this case German YouTube user Frank Wunderlich — took the time to make Frankfurt airport look like an imperial starport, complete with star destroyers and AT-AT walkers and the death star in the sky. And even if it isn’t real, it sure is fun.

According to the description, Wunderlich claimed that it “Looks like the Story of Star Wars plays on Earth too in the next Episode. I took these pictures on my Flight back from the States to Germany at the Frankfurt Airport. Seems like the biggest German airport plays a key role as an imperial starport in the new episode — there have just been imperial forces at the scene. Maybe the Rebelboys hide in Berlin… :-D”

We’re sure J.J. Abrams has no plans to bring the imperial forces to earth, but still, you have to admit: wouldn’t it be neat?

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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A Bunch Of Elaines Had A ‘Seinfeld’ Dance-Off In Brooklyn

by 3 mins ago

Julia Louis-Dreyfus has, no doubt, had a huge impact on popular culture. She was on “Saturday Night Live,” she kills it as Selina Meyer on HBO’s “Veep,” and she was — of course! — Elaine Benes on “Seinfeld,” that bastion of nineties culture. But perhaps of all her accomplishments and everything she’s given us, it is, perhaps, her dancing skills that shall outlast them all.

The Elaine Dance.

Which is exactly why, that boogie down of terrible beauty, was paid homage in New York on Saturday Night when the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team hosted an “Elaine Dance-Off” in honor of the show’s 25th anniversary. (The whole night was Seinfeld themed.)

Thankfully, intelligent game-goers with smartphones did what any heroic person would do: they recorded the dances and uploaded them onto the Internet. Who says Americans don’t look out for one another, eh?

As for the winner? That would be this Elaine — and it only takes a few seconds of viewing to see why:

Man, we’re feeling ready to gr-oo-oove now, aren’t you?

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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Here’s Some Patriotic Goats Singing The National Anthem

by 22 mins ago

There’s not really much to add to this thing of Internet tomfoolery that’s going to make it any better. This video was made by an organization called “World Wide Interweb” which kind of says it all.

There are goats bleat-singing this great nation’s National Anthem. Because what’s more American than a bunch of farm animals being slapdashed together for no good reason other than to make us giggle? Maybe if there was a bald eagle involved?

But otherwise, we’re at a bit of a loss.

Just drink it in you guys. It’s what our forefathers would’ve wanted.

‘MURICA, you guys. ‘MURICA. Goat bless America forever and ever.

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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USA! USA! US-Meh: Millennials Less Keen On Symbols Of Patriotism

by 17 mins ago

So. The New York Times is reporting that young Americans (read: you and me) are far less patriotic than our elders, and that American patriotism over the last several decades has been in decline.

But that shouldn’t really be all that surprising to anyone.

In a 2012 inquiry from American National Election Study (A.N.E.S.), the overall feeling of “hell yeah, America!” one gets when viewing the ol’ stars and bars on display was found to be very high across all age groups — no surprise, Americans love being from America — about 79 percent, with 95 percent of the participants in the study agreeing that they at least like, if not love, America.

The real difference can be seen once you break it down generationally. According to the Times, “81 percent of the Silent Generation (those who are 69 to 86 years old in 2014) love America while only 58 percent of millennials (18 to 33 years old) feel the same.” Additionally, “78 percent of the older generation consider their American identity to be extremely important. … [But] only 45 percent of young adults define themselves this way.”

Older Americans in our parents and grandparents’ generations are highly devoted to symbols of our freedom and democracy, like the flag and what it represents. But Old Glory just doesn’t do it for us younger folk, as we’re more into actionable properties of what it means to be an American, like equality and opportunity for all.

Considering how both those things are currently in ...

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Whose Voice Is That In The New ‘Doctor Who’ Trailer?

by 18 mins ago

It may not be very patriotic of us to give a nod to our OG rulers the Brits on Independence Day, but dammit when a new teaser trailer for the eighth season of “Doctor Who” rolls out, regardless of the who/what/where/when/why/how, you pay attention.

It’s The Doctor, you guys! Time and space are irrelevant when his TARDIS wheezes ’round our way.

The Peter Capaldi-fronted new iteration of the universe’s most ubiquitous alien is set to hit television screens on August 23rd, and this teaser — along with that other one — leave us with little more than questions.

Is that Davros (creator of the Doctor’s arch-enemy, the Daleks) talking to the Doctor? Why can he see into the Doctor’s soul? Is his so-called beauty really debilitated by hatred? Isn’t that what the 50th anniversary was supposed to squash? And why is the Doctor’s right heart smaller than his left — or are we merely seeing things?

Just like the TARDIS, sometimes questions are bigger on the inside. Ooo-Wee-ooo!

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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Megan Fox Goes Makeup-Free In First Instagram Selfie — Or Does She?

by 27 mins ago

Hey, you guys: Megan Fox joined a social media network and did a thing!

Now, typically speaking, most posts about celebrity Instagram photos — particularly of the inaugural selfie and/or make-up free variety — elicit a bevy of posts with hilarious overstatements. “Oh, look at her flawless skin!” “How brave!” “No makeup, no problem because goregeousness!” You know, that sort of stuff.

But Megan Fox’s inaugural Instagram selfie is just that: an Instagram selfie wherein the person taking the photo may or may not be lying about what is going on in the photo. Because despite her claims, it sort of looks like she’s got a bit of eyeliner on. Maybe some mascara and lip gloss.

Though who knows: she could just be that naturally gifted in the eye features department. I mean, we don’t know her and filters can sometimes be truly magical. #Sutro. Plus, the fact that she’s wearing a robe sure does encourage the idea that she #wokeuplikethis.

Either way it doesn’t really matter does it? Although it is sorta less-than-cool to try and tout yourself as make-up free when you’re not to your impressionable young girl fans because beauty standards are already unrealistic in 2014 — because it’s just a photo of a famous person doing that thing that so many other folks her age, younger, and older do. And if she’s really not wearing make-up, good for her and her skin because, you know, skin doesn’t really love make-up all the time anyway.

So take ...

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‘Family Guy’ Meets ‘Game Of Thrones’ In Mash-Up Drawings

by 9 mins ago

It’s hard to come by a mashup this good. These hand drawings (how 90s!) of the cast of “Family Guy” transported to the world of Westeros—a.k.a. “Game of Thrones”—are practically perfect.

Stewie as King of the Brats Joffrey Baratheon, Quagmire as Theon Greyjoy/Reek, Meg as Hodor, and Brian as the Ghost to Chris’ Jon Snow? It’s so on-the-nose in the best way—the whole project deserves an e-round of applause.

One complaint: would Peter really be a Stark? Honestly, he could also easily have been Ser Dontos or Patchface. Also, what about Brian as Varys? Is crossing species allowed? Brian can already talk, and if humans can warg into animals who’s to say he can’t warg into a human, you know?

Take a peek:

Eric La Sorda

So artist Eric La Sorda clearly has a knack for this, but he also missed a few. Who would be the Khaleesi of Quahog? What about Arya? Sansa? The Hound? Let us know your picks in the comments.

Too much exuberance for one person. Follow her on Twitter @alicialutes.


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