September 25, 2024

Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco Say Arena Tour Won’t Be A Nostalgia Trip

It’s like 2005 Nintendo Fusion Tour all over again … only with less GameCube: Fall Out Boy are set to hit the road this September with their old pals Panic! at the Disco, though this won’t be some nostalgia trip.

Because when FOB began lining up bands for their arena run, they weren’t looking backward … rather, they chose acts that share the sentiments they expressed on their comeback Save Rock and Roll album: namely, let’s not rehash the past, let’s remake the present.

“For this tour, the arena tour in the U.S., we wanted like-minded artists; so for Panic! to be coming out and doing something that’s a little bit different and doing rock music the way they are now, is awesome,” Pete Wentz told MTV News. “And bringing out Twenty One Pilots, it’s really been about creating a great rock show.

“Rock music has always thrived in arenas, and that’s what this tour is supposed to be,” he continued. “It will be our first time getting back out to do that, having the fun show that’s a bit bigger … you should come out to it; it’ll be fun.”

Sounds like it. And though the Save Rock and Roll trek doesn’t kick off until September 5, Panic! are already counting down the days. And, like Wentz said, they’re not just going to be reminiscing about the past … they’re also going to be working songs from their upcoming Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! album into the set, and frontman Brendon Urie can’t wait.

“We’ve done a couple rehearsals already, we’re going to be playing a few new songs, like, I’d say about three at most,” Urie told MTV News. “We’re really excited. We’ve been working on the songs for a year and a half, and we can’t wait to show people everything. This is the beginning of something.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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