September 20, 2024

Fall Out Boy’s Plan To Replicate <i>Rock And Roll’s</i> Success: ‘Another Hiatus’

Fall Out Boy‘s Save Rock and Roll has spawned a hit single and debuted at #1 on the Billboard albums chart … so it should come as no surprise that they’re already thinking of repeating the formula that led to its success on another album:

“Oh, we’re going on another hiatus,” Patrick Stump joked on the red carpet of KIIS FM’s Wango Tango concert.

“If that could be the process, it would be amazing,” Pete Wentz added. “But I’d hate to break everybody’s heart and go on a break every single time … but the process was really great.”

Don’t worry, Fall Out fans; with a sold-out spring tour about to kick off and a summer arena-tour already booked, it’ll be a minute before the guys can even think of taking another extended break (they’re also still attempting to film a video for every song on the new album, too). And, though they’re too busy to begin thinking of what will come next, they have learned one thing from making Save Rock and Roll: namely, they’re not the same band they were during their heady, mid-aughts heyday.

“It’s crazy, because we almost had to start from scratch,” Stump explained. “It feels more like a new band than an old band getting back in the swing of things; it’s awesome.”

Then again, no matter how much they’ve changed — and in spite of the success they’ve experience with their comeback — there is one thing that has remained the same: Fall Out Boy still suffer from chronically low self-esteem … which, come to think of it, sort of makes all they’ve accomplished that much sweeter.

“We’re very humbled by it,” Joe Trohman said. “We don’t think much of ourselves, so we didn’t really expect much, so we’re very, very happy.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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