September 21, 2024

Hangout Festival: Eight Lessons Learned On Instagram

This past weekend, MTV News had the pleasure of covering Hangout Music Festival from every imaginable angle — from the audience to the stage, from the water to the sky.

We did shrimp-kisses with Chrissy Teigen and made former Miss Alabama Katherine Webb scream. Macklemore gave us tips about festival food, Kendrick Lamar filled us in on Kanye West’s Yeezus and we unleashed celebrity photo bombs on unsuspecting festival-goers — all in the picture-perfect beachfront setting of Gulf Shores, Alabama. It’s a difficult job, but someone has to do it.

But I wasn’t all fun and games (OK, maybe it was). We learned a lot, too. And like most people, we learned it on Instagram.

Here are the eight lessons we learned about Hangout Festival via Instagram:

At Hangout Festival, ‘P’ In V.I.P. Stands For ‘Pool’
Has there ever been a better place to watch a festival than a pool? Why didn’t anybody think of this sooner?

Some People Have Way Too Much Time On Their Hands
The great Hangout Mystery: Who brought the 6-foot inflatable penis to the Afrojack show? Someone actually went to a store, said “I’d like to buy the six-foot inflatable penis, please,” brought it to Alabama and blew it up.

The Best Seats Are The Nosebleeds
Passion Pit, as viewed from the Ferris Wheel.

Wear Sunscreen
Listen to your mom, she loves you. If not, you will look like this guy.


Bassnectar Brings The Color
And the beach balls.

Sunsets Are Amazing
Sunsets just beyond a stage are amazing-er.

If You Missed Anything, You Can See It Again
We’ve got a whole mess of clips of the best performances and most hilarious moments over at

Check out the latest news, interviews, performances and more from the Shores at

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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