September 24, 2024

Mac Miller, Schoolboy Q Bond Over Chicken And Beer In ‘Gees’ Vid

Mac Miller and Schoolboy Q spend a great deal of time clowning each other and hurling digi-insults via Twitter and Vine, but in actuality, the two are great friends and collaborators. On Monday, Mac dropped “Gees,” his latest video from Watching Movies With the Sound Off, where he and Q bond over bars, brews and chicken wings.

The video begins with Mac peddling a bicycle down the street, while spilling a 40-ounce bottle of Old English malt liquor on the street. Drinking and riding probably wasn’t the best idea, as Mac crashes in a bed of grass before he formally begins his rap. “Hyper than William’s middle son/ Since I was a little one, mom had to put me on the Ritalin,” he spits while rubbing his head.

The IllRoots-directed clip is treated with a ton of post-production coloring effects that turn green trees purple and blue skies pink. As Mac performs from the top of a suburban car garage, Q sits unaffected in a white fedora and sunglasses, while he makes his way through a Styrofoam container of chicken wings.

By the time Q’s verse gets into full swing, the Black Hippy MC doesn’t only reveal his rapping skills, he also shows off some nifty superpowers by shooting laser beams from his eyes, much like the “X-Men” comic book and movie character Cyclops.

The video doesn’t take itself seriously and gives off a fun vibe. In June, Mac walked onto “RapFix Live” and spoke to show host Sway Calloway about his relationship with Q. “We have Vine wars and go at it,” Miller said. “He’s one of the best in the business as far as clowning go.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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