September 29, 2024

Nicholas Cage Wore A Shirt With His Own Face On It And All Was Right With The World

The thing we all have to understand about Nicolas Cage, actor, director, intergalactic man of mystery and producer extraordinaire: he makes his own rules. He does not give a flying pancake what the rest of us think.

All of this is evidenced in this beautiful photograph of him and Andrew Dice Clay backstage at a Guns N’ Roses concert.

That might be the most ’80s sentence that ever happened, you guys.

All at once a Nouveau Shaman, the father of Kal-El (a.k.a. Superman’s birth name that he shares with Cage’s youngest son), and an avant garde expressionist, Cage embodied all of this with this get-up that we’re classifying as Cage Distilled: Nutter Purple Cowboy Edition.

There’s a lot going on (and it is glorious): cowboy hat, several beaded necklaces with a matching bracelet, a Barney-esque purple blazer, fringed black jeans, mirrored aviators, Andrew Dice Clay, a cane — is that faux gun-holster belt? — several statement cocktail rings, a goblet-esque glass of wine, and the true pièce de résistance: a shirt with what can only be described as a Rage Face rendering of Cage’s own mug.

It is a thing of beauty. Bask in its glory in full, again:

Mr Nicolas Cage and Mr Andrew Dice Clay

Ride on, Nic Cage. Ride on.

About the author  ⁄ Alicia Lutes

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