September 28, 2024

We Had A Crazy Slumber Party With Jessica Alba: Watch

“Sin City” is back at long last this Friday which means a number of things – more ultra stylized black and white action, more growly/scary Mickey Rourke, and of course, more of Jessica Alba showing off the most impressive dance moves this side of “Magic Mike – or at least “Step Up.”

But there’s another side to Alba and we’ve known about it for a while at MTV. Back in 2010, Alba visited us and engaged in a very special slumber party. And if we’ve learned one thing here over the years, it’s that when one gets the opportunity to dance and dress up and play with a Ouija board with one of the world’s most attractive women, that’s always a good thing. So in honor of “A Dame To Kill For,” we did it again!

I know that sound I hear is millions of jealous men cursing me for my luck but if it’s any consolation, just look at the absurd things she did to me. She may be a dame to kill for but Jessica Alba is kind of a sadist too.

About the author  ⁄ Josh Horowitz

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