January 20, 2025

11 People Whose Epic Walk-Outs Rival The ‘F–k It’ Weed Newscaster

We’ve still got a pretty serious buzz from Charlo Greene’s amazing “f–k it” quitting video, in which the KTVA broadcast reporter resigned in the middle of a broadcast after revealing her secret identity as leader of the Alaska Cannabis Club.

It was gangster to the max and it made us think about the grand, storied history of quitting videos that have made taking that job and shoving it a shared experience. And so, we give you our 11 favorite “you can’t fire me because I quit” clips:

1. Gone, Gone Gone
Marina Shifrin is magic. Doubt it? Check her out dancing to Yeezy’s “Gone” as she records with multiple angles in her former workplace at 4 a.m. before dropping the mic forever.

2. The Big Reveal
The boom box, the dramatic music, the chair over the head. And, of course, the tearing open of the shirt. Bravo.

3. Kiss My Brass
Dude was so sick of being treated like s— by his bosses at a hotel that he hired his buddies in a marching band to help play him off.

4. Picture Perfect
Although this was a hoax, she sent all the employees at her job a series of photos that wished them well. Except Spencer, because he’s a jerk with bad breath, who called her a HOPA.

5. Later, Losers!
This guy really, really hated his warehouse job.

6. He’s On A Roll And It’s Time To Go Solo
A dope soundtrack novelty T-shirts and flashmob spectacles are always appreciated.

7. Extra Quitarroni
Seems like a put-on, but man does it look like fun.

8. El Super Platano
A banana costume, a mariachi band and a slow strut through the office.

9. I Quit
He had to work 22 days straight, including the 4th of July. At least he put a smiley face on it.

10. Prime Time Walk Out
This RT reporter quit on the air after slamming the network for “whitewashing” the actions of Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

11. The Great Escape
JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater’s beer chugging, f-bomb dropping, evacuation chute ride into infamy.

Often guilty, never convicted. Serving 15 years to life at MTV News.

About the author  ⁄ Gil Kaufman

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