December 19, 2024

11 Things We Know About Taylor Swift’s Apartment

So, Monday was a pretty epic day for Swifties. On her highly anticipated live stream with Yahoo! News, Taylor Swift announced her new album, “1989,” played her new single “Shake it Off,” danced gloriously, and even graced us with the music video for the song.

But it somehow, almost impossibly, gets better. After the live stream, Taylor invited a hand-picked group of Swifties, known as “Taylor’s A Team,” back to her apartment for a pizza party. True story.

So how inexplicably adorable is Olivia? How blindingly shiny are TSwift’s Grammys and VMAs? We scoured the Internet to find answers to your burning questions about Taylor’s Pizza Party Pad.

1. She has at least one priceless work of art.

2. Olivia a) is cute beyond your wildest dreams and b) has an even cuter nickname

3. She decorates her walls with memories, because she is the incarnate of perfection

4. What about her taste in movies? Don’t worry, she’s got all your faves.

5. Her apartment “smells like Anthropologie,” AKA what you’ve always imagined Taylor Swift’s apartment to smell like

Here’s the name of the candle if you’re interested in snagging one for yourself:

6. Related: Even her bathroom is magical

…It literally changes you.

7. What’s Taylor’s drink of choice?

8. Taylor’s got tons of awards, and one observant Swiftie weighed-in on them (literally).

9. She’s got lovely taste in literature….

10. and some really creative decorations

11. Her kitchen functions as a dance floor AND a pizza eatery

Major takeaway? Taylor Swift is a national treasure, and probably the closest thing we have to a unicorn.

About the experience, one Swiftie said it best:

About the author  ⁄ Rachel Paoletta

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