Fame can be glamorous — fancy parties, mansions, frenzied fans. But what happens when your fame dries up? What if you’re left behind or forgotten? What about when the phone stops ringi
Such is the story of Pharrell’s hat, Sia’s chandelier, Miley Cyrus‘ sledgehammer, Beyonce‘s surfboart and Iggy Azalea‘s copy of “Clueless.” Sure, they served their purpose in the beginning (Miley’s sledgehammer did a lot of wrecking in the “Wrecking Ball” video), but now, they’re sharing their behind-the-scenes stories in this shocking tell-all special, “VMA Backstories: Forgotten Props.”
In these exclusive interviews with the humble props, you’ll learn the reasons why the surfboart never made it into “Drunk In Love” or why “Chandelier” never actually featured a chandelier. While these videos made it big and now are nominated for Video of the Year at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday, these props were left behind. Here are their stories:
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