December 21, 2024

Dude Databases, Dating Dustbowls And Pole-Dancing Will Make Palos Hills A Lot More ‘Awkward’

Palos Hills High School graduation is just a few short months away, but with college rejection letters, dating disasters and an unfortunate tumble off a stripper pole on the agenda for Jenna Hamilton, the blogger might consider hiding beneath her covers and waiting for the occasion to pass.

In the upcoming batch of “Awkward” episodes, which kick off on Tuesday, September 23 at 10/9c, J-Town, Tamara and their pals certainly won’t have it easy as Grade 12 comes to a close. Matty, who’s already struggling with the possibility that he might soon become a father, will be forced to — once again — DTR with Jenna, who’s perpetually confused by the state of the on-and-off couple’s relationship. Still, with a male-objectifying “dude database” taking the PHHS campus by storm, those might be the least of Matty’s worries.

Oh, and the reliably terrible Sadie Saxton will continue to share nasty tell-offs ’round the clock. What would we do without you and your penchant for scorn, Queen Bee?

Check out the trailer for the second half of “Awkward” Season 4, share your thoughts on the gang’s final stretch of senior year and hang tight for the premiere in a few short weeks! And get ready for that stripper pole…

About the author  ⁄ Matthew Scott Donnelly

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