March 11, 2025

Why Did Beyonce Post A Photo Of Herself Crying?

Well, this is quite the contrast to the bubbly birthday snap that Beyoncé shared this past weekend. Bey just posted a mysterious photo to Instagram and it looks like…she might be crying?

Captionless, the photo is a close-up of Bey’s face with what look to be artful mascara tracks wandering down her cheeks. The queen gives us no indication as to where the photo came from, but it does look suspiciously like album art — or, as it were, single art.

Could ‘Yoncé be planning to release new tunes soon? Our resident psychic, Licorice Root, did predict that upcoming music would deal with “heartbreak, pain, longing and triumphing over loss,” and the below photo certainly looks darker than images accompanying her previous, self-titled release.

We love ourselves a good myster-bey!

Brenna Ehrlich is a reporter for MTV News as well as the senior writer/editor for the O Music Awards. In the past, she served as associate editor at Mashable, penned a netiquette column for CNN and co-authored the blog and book “Stuff Hipsters Hate.” She likes trying not to die in moshpits and listening to songs on repeat. Follow her on Twitter @BrennaEhrlich for news on cats and punk bands.

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

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