December 26, 2024

MTV And Logo To Premiere ‘Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word’

On October 17, MTV and Logo will simultaneously premiere “Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word,” a documentary produced by “Orange Is the New Black” cast member Laverne Cox. The hour-long documentary follows the lives of seven transgender youths. They hail from New York, New Orleans and Baltimore and range in age from 12 to 24 years old, but they share common obstacles and joys.

Cox, an activist for transgender issues as well as an actress, also acts as host for the documentary, walking viewers through the difficulties of coming out, how race plays into the equation, bullying, violence and familial and social support.

Viewers will meet Kye, a Brooklyn man who was the first transgender Division I basketball player ever, as well as college freshman Ari, an 18-year-old man taking his first steps into campus life. Zoey, a 12-year-old navigating life at her new school in California after school administrators refused to acknowledge her as a girl, is also featured, among other true life stories.

After the documentary’s premiere, Logo and will host an hour-long “Trans Forum,” hosted by Cox and SuChin Pak. Alongside the subjects of the documentary, Cox will field questions from audience members and those tuning in via social media.

The documentary was produced as part of MTV’s Look Different campaign, a multi-year initiative to identify and fight biases, whether they be based in gender, sexual orientation or race.

“Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word” will air on October 17 and 7 p.m. ET.

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About the author  ⁄ Kase Wickman

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