March 11, 2025

‘Finding Carter’ Poll: Should Max Have Ended His Relationship With Taylor?

It was frightfully unclear whether Max would make it after his shooting at the hands of Carter‘s troubled boyfriend Crash. But when the “Finding Carter” favorite finally opened his eyes, those closest to him (and us viewers) all breathed a tremendous sigh of relief. Sure, the nice guy’s road to recovery was far from over, but he had the undeniable support of the Wilsons — and his ladylove Taylor.


But on the season finale, when Max was able to communicate for the first time since his horrific ordeal, he was understandably sullen as well as unsure of how he would physically and psychologically recover. To cope, he made jokes about losing his job at the mini-mart because of the “mess he made” and lamented that he was bringing down the mood of the room — but it was clear that he was in a gloomy state, and nothing would make him feel optimistic about what the future would hold. Taylor did her best to cheer him up, to no avail.

“I’m sorry, but I’m mad at me,” Max said. “I’m not getting that I’ve been shot, and I’m here. And I keep waking up every morning thinking that I can go do whatever I normally want to do, but I can’t.”


Taylor continued to offer her help, but Max refused it — instead, he wanted Elizabeth to show him the tape from shooting. When the police officer wouldn’t oblige, Max again snapped at Taylor. His mood worsened when Taylor told him that she was taking a leave of absence from school to care for him. In response, he demanded that she leave — and “stay gone.”

Max apologized for his behavior when Taylor returned but announced that he wanted to end their relationship. She pleaded with him to change his mind, but Max explained that he needed to go back home — and said she shouldn’t give up so much of her life just for him.


“We both have to get to work to getting our lives back together,” he tearfully said. And with that, Maylor was over.

Max realized that he can’t get better in his current environment and needs to return home to recuperate; it’s also clear that he wants to set Taylor free from the drama surrounding his traumatic experience. But Taylor is showing a rare commitment: she’s willing to stick by his side — through thick and thin — and do whatever she can to help him. So should Max have stayed with Taylor and accepted her unconditional love and assistance? Or was he right to break up with her and allow both of them to move on? Take our poll and share your opinions below.

About the author  ⁄ Jordana Ossad

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