March 1, 2025

‘Man Of Steel’ And Lois Lane: The Importance Of Superman’s Heroic Woman

Ever since her debut in “Action Comics” #1 in 1938, Lois Lane has been inspiring readers to pursue truth at all costs. It’s this purity and focus of intent that has made her essential to Superman — the other character that debuted in that same issue.

Thankfully, Lois has stood the test of time, no doubt because of the undeniable charisma infused in her by creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. She’s appeared in every one of the Man of Steel’s TV shows, animated series and films to date, always by Superman’s side, proving that one doesn’t need superpowers to fight evil.

Now Amy Adams has inherited the press pass from a long line of actresses — including Margot Kidder, Kate Bosworth, Erica Durance and Teri Hatcher — but what essential traits should Super-newbies be on the lookout for when catching “Man of Steel”? We gathered a panel of experts together to discuss what makes Lois Lane important.

“Lois is central because she’s Clark’s hero. She’s audacious. Irrepressible. Superman might catch that meteor to protect Ma and Pa and Jimmy, but Lois is the reserve when all other fuel is depleted. She’s the fire behind the heat vision. She teaches him something new every day, about humanity, about shrugging off the perceived limitations of the individual in pursuit of social justice. She’s as much a crusader as Batman, but she doesn’t need to hide behind a mask.” — Paul Montgomery, iFanboy.

“To my mind Lois is the high point of human spirit who routinely changes the world for the better by getting out in it and making things happen.” — Jeff Parker, writer “Adventures of Superman.”

“Lois is the conduit between Superman and the reader, and humanity as a whole. She humanizes him. It’s right there in the very first issue of ‘Action Comics,’ when Superman assures her that she ‘needn’t be afraid of him.’ Of course she’s also an example of how human beings can excel at things. She’s a great reporter — one of the best around and earns the respect and awe of Superman. Lois is also the ‘one’ for Superman, connecting with him romantically and spiritually in a way that brings him closest to humanity.” — Sue, DC Women Kicking Ass.

“Lois Lane, more than anything else, is the Metropolitan representative of the beliefs Clark Kent was raised with. As corrupt as the big, bad city can be, Lois shows Clark that Ma and Pa Kent weren’t wrong and that there are humans who fight a never-ending battle for what they think is right. Lois doesn’t constantly put herself in harm’s way because she knows Superman will save her; she does it because she’s willing to die for the truth.” — Michael Hartney, writer/performer “So I Like Superman

“You can tell a good Superman story without Lois Lane. You’ll tell a much better story with her. Superman is a clear-cut archetype of superhero idealism — tremendous power in selfless service to the weak — and Lois’s role has been more changeable, more ambiguous over the years. But at her best, she represents human idealism and everyday heroism. I hate the idea of Lois as damsel-in-distress, or as Superman’s ‘weak spot.’ She’s his strength. She’s a better person than Superman because she fights injustice and faces danger without his tremendous advantages, and that makes her his inspiration. Lois Lane’s heroism should drive the story, with Superman as her superpower.” — Andrew Wheeler, Comics Alliance.

“Lois is and always has been a critical part of the mythos of Superman. It’s through her eyes that we see the Man of Steel’s power to win over even the most cynical and skeptical Metropolitans, as she’s absolutely the first one ready to blow the whistle on this new ‘Superman’ if he isn’t what he claims to be. Moreover, she’s the fulcrum of the great love-triangle-between-two-people — Superman wants to win her heart as Clark, not as a demigod in a cape, because it will feel more ‘real’ to him then, more sincere.” — Mark Waid, writer, “Superman: Birthright.”

Check out everything we’ve got on “Man of Steel.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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