March 1, 2025

Chief Keef’s Camp Blames Police For ‘Excessive Force’ In New Arrest

The trouble continues to mount for Chief Keef. The 17-year old rapper went to court on Monday (June 17) and pleaded guilty to speeding, walking out with an 18-month probation sentence, only to be arrested after the hearing, just four blocks away from the courthouse.

Now, the rapper’s camp is saying the Chicago Police Department used “excessive force” when six officers, pulled over the vehicle Keef was riding in and drew AK-47 assault rifles out on the teenage star and arrested him on criminal trespassing charges. “It is not normal practice for police to come from the south side armed with AK47’s to arrest a person on misdemeanor trespassing charges, but clearly Chief Keef is a special young man that garner special treatment from the Chicago Police Department,” read a statement issued to popular Chicago music site

The Chicago police wouldn’t address the excessive force claim, but did confirm with MTV News that Monday’s arrest stemmed from a May 16 incident at the Parkway Gardens Housing Projects in Chicago.

Shortly before the arrest, the “I Don’t Like” rapper, born Keith Cozart, pleaded guilty to speeding 110 mph in a 55mph zone on May 28, the Chicago Tribune reported earlier Monday.

“You think you’re invincible, and you’re certainly not,” a Cook County Circuit Court judge is reported as telling Keef after he was fined $531, handed 18 months of probation and ordered him to perform 60 hours of community service, random drug testing and to complete eight hours of traffic school. “I sure hope I don’t see you again, because if I do, you better be ready to go to jail.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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