March 11, 2025

MTV’s Special Ouija Board Will Connect You With The ‘Teen Wolf’ Fallen

Teen Wolf” fans: Don’t be ashamed if you still toy around with that dusted-over Ouija board in your parents’ attic — the practice is about to be put to very good use.

The game, which has connected its players to the undead since the 19th century (watch its potential to terrify in the viral video below), will get a silver-screen adaptation on October 24. But first, it’ll serve as your very own link to Beacon Hills — or, more specifically, the town’s graveyards.

Over the next three weeks, you’ll have the chance to get in touch with a trio of “Teen Wolf”‘s fallen — ‘wolves Erica and Boyd and heroic archer Allison — using an online version of the infamous spirit board. Today, using #AskOuija, you can tweet any question you can think of to Boyd, and the same goes for Erica on October 13 and Allison on October 20. Then, this Friday, Boyd will answer five queries on; you can check back on October 17 for Erica’s answers and October 24 for Allison’s.

Related: Watch A Ouija Board Prank Scare The Crap Out Of People

Wondering if Allison regrets taking on those nearly indestructible Oni? Would Erica have accepted Derek‘s bite considering all that she knows now? It’s time to find out!

Start Twee-jaing away, and get an unfortunate reminder of how each character went down below:

Allison’s last breath:

Boyd and Erica are taken out:

About the author  ⁄ Matthew Scott Donnelly

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