December 19, 2024

This Guy Beat Cancer And Got Insanely Ripped In The Process

In case you didn’t feel lazy enough already, the story of cancer survivor Zach Zeiler will definitely make you feel like a professional couch potato. In 2010, Zeiler — who hails from Ida, Michigan — was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at 15 years old.

He dropped to 100 pounds following his diagnosis and treatment, but it didn’t damage Zeiler’s spirit. He began working out and building muscle, which led to a dramatic transformation.

“I started lifting after my radiation treatments because I knew it would help me gain weight and look less sickly,” Zeiler told MailOnline. “It was a great way to channel a lot of the anger I felt — and I got addicted to it, it became my passion.”

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Zeiler, now 20 and cancer-free, works out for two hours every day. He posts videos of his intense routines to YouTube and shirtless selfies galore on his Instagram. Given his inspiring story and — let’s face it — ripped bod, it’s no surprise he’s an viral internet star with thousands of followers.

(That’s him with his girlfriend, Tara, who has “been by my side through everything,” Zeiler said.)

Here’s a couple more photos and a video from his Instagram because, don’t lie, you know you wanna see them.

Zeiler plans to develop a personal training website in the future, so that he can help people achieve their fitness goals. So, are you motivated to get off the couch yet?

About the author  ⁄ Deepa Lakshmin

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