March 11, 2025

Officer Darren Wilson Claims He ‘Feared For His Life’ In First Public Account Of The Michael Brown Shooting

More than two months after the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, new details about the shooting death continue to emerge.

According to a report in the New York Times, forensic experts found Brown’s blood on officer Darren Wilson’s gun as well as the interior door panel of the police vehicle and Wilson’s uniform.

As well, Wilson has also detailed his version of the events for the first time. Wilson claims that “he was pinned in his vehicle and in fear for his life as he struggled over his gun with Mr. Brown.”

Despite these revelations, this does not account for a number of inconsistencies in the story. For one, eyewitness accounts differ greatly from Wilson’s story. And Brown, who was unarmed, was shot a total of six times, more than even the large leeway officers typically have in situations where they face immediate danger.

After the announcement of the report, Brown’s family rejected the findings and Wilson’s claim that he feared for his life.

“The officer is going to say whatever he has to say to try to justify killing an unarmed teenager,” said Benjamin Crump, the attorney for Brown’s parents, to the Associated Press. “And certainly, his statement should not be taken above independent eye witnesses who are completely unbiased when he has every reason to be biased.

In the weeks since the shooting, musicians and celebrities have come out in support of Brown’s family and the numerous protestors seeking an indictment for the shooting.

Last week, protest efforts reignited as part of Ferguson October as journalists, activists and even “Grey’s Anatomy” star Jesse Williams joined forced to bring renewed attention to the events in Ferguson. In the wake of these latest developments, a grand jury is still deliberating charges.

I’m actually a disco ball in human form.

About the author  ⁄ wild1067

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