March 4, 2025

Gay-Marriage Ruling Sparks Crazy Dancing And Body Paint: Watch Here!

June 26, 2013 will undoubtedly go down in American history as a red-letter day — a shining star on the nation’s corkboard alongside such landmark moments as the election of the first black president and the end of segregation. And thanks to social media, the moment was also one of the most well-documented in the nation’s history.

The internet was buzzing long before the Supreme Court handed down its decision to strike down two laws limiting the rights of same-sex couples. And it only grew louder as the historic news broke, with same-sex couples and heterosexual supporters alike kicking off an online celebration. Luckily, we’ve wrapped up some of the videos that stood out among the cheers.

We start off with the Stonewall Inn, the site of the 1969 Stonewall riots that put a major uptick in the gay rights movement. Those awaiting the SCOTUS decision hung out at the bar and celebrated in the streets. Benjamin Eye caught the celebration and the media frenzy around the tavern.

Over in California, where gay people can now legally marry after Prop 8 was overturned, celebration also took over historic landmarks. Katy Tang shared her rainbow-pride neck scarf with a bust of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician to be voted into office in California.

And those in Cali waved their flags proudly, whether it was a pride flag, a state flag or this combination of both, highlighting the new harmony.

But not everyone was out celebrating though. Poor Jayson Flores was stuck at work. However, that didn’t stop him from celebrating. Professionally, of course.

Gino the Filipino was sort of quiet in his response too, but he let Beyoncé do all the talking for him. Put a ring on it!

There are many ways to celebrate the historic decision — going out with friends, making Vines, dancing at work — and @fab_loki expressed her excitement with a little artistry. The Instagram user painted her hand with the colors of the rainbow.

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