March 11, 2025

Aaron Paul Is Not Happy With Toys ‘R’ Us, Bitch

The news that Toys “R” Us pulled all of its “Breaking Bad” action figures from its stores and online is not sitting well with Aaron Paul.


The show’s star took to Twitter Thursday (October 23) to vent his frustrations over the toy store chain’s decision to put toy Walter White and toy Jesse Pinkman on “an indefinite sabbatical.”

And yes, he even pulled President Barack Obama into his mentions on the topic.

Bryan Cranston also hopped on Twitter to voice his opinion on the toy deal gone bad.

The Florida mother in question is Susan Schrivjer, who started a petition on to get the toys banned.

“Parents and grandparents around the world shop at Toys ‘R’ Us, online and in stories, with their children and should not be forced to explain why a certain toy comes with a bag of highly dangerous and illegal drugs or why someone who sells those drugs deserves to be made into an action figure,” she wrote in her plea.

Once the petition gained steam, Toys “R” Us announced that they would no longer be carrying the action figures.

Breaking Baddicts aren’t happy, either, so they started their own petition to keep the beloved characters on the retailer’s shelves. Mezco, the company behind the toys, declined to comment on the situation.

About the author  ⁄ Maurice Bobb

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