March 10, 2025

Bruno Mars Puts His Fans Center Stage With ‘Treasure’ Interactive

Dancing in your bedroom used to be a private thing — done with a hairbrush and aplomb behind closed doors — but now, thanks to a new video project from Bruno Mars and his dancey jam “Treasure,” your moves could go viral.

Mars released his retro-style video for “Treasure” in June, shot on VHS and imbued with ’70s glam, and Monday (July 22), he’s added another layer — or should we say “filter” — to the jam. NYC-based technology agency OKFocus created a website that integrates fan footage shot using Instagram’s video function with the official video.

When fans visit they’ll be presented with an old-fashioned-looking TV — a nod to the retro quality of the “Treasure” video — outfitted with a pair of knobs. When they click play, the official video will begin playing, interspersed with fan footage that has been hashtagged with #treasuredance. Users can click the knobs to skip around footage, as well as click on Instagram usernames to see those dancers’ accounts.

“The site looks for videos posted with the hashtag #TreasureDance on Instagram, takes the newest 100 videos and places them in a random sequence alongside Bruno Mars’s preexisting music video for Treasure,” OKFocus‘s Chief Technology Officer Jules LaPlace and Creative Director Ryder Ripps told MTV News, adding that the song’s “tempo, temperament and general vibe” make it the perfect jam for the project.

This is the first such project to be created using Instagram’s video functionality, which launched in June.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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