March 10, 2025

Royal Baby: Celebs Congratulate Kate Middleton!

The royal baby has arrived! On Monday (July 22), Duchess Kate Middleton gave birth to a baby boy in London.

Buckingham Palace confirmed with a series of tweets on Twitter “Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4.24pm. The baby weighs 8lbs 6oz. The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry & families have been told and are delighted. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well and will remain in hospital overnight.”

The baby’s has not been released yet. This is Prince William’s and Duchess Kate’s first child. The child is third in line for the throne. Middleton had been admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital earlier this morning. The due date had long been speculated by the public after the royals announced the pregnancy in December 2012.

During the duchess’ labor and after the birth, celebrities took to Twitter to congratulate the couple.

“Push girl, pushhhhhh !” MTV’s own Snooki wrote on Twitter.

Olivia Wilde joked before the birth, “I don’t understand how I’m still doing phone interviews when Kate Middleton is in labor. Don’t they have to go cover the crowning?!”

Switching to a serious tone, Prime Minister David Cameron said, “I’m delighted for the Duke and Duchess now their son has been born. The whole country will celebrate. They’ll make wonderful parents.”

Jack Osbourne weighed in, tweeting, “EPIC!!!! a new prince was born. its like real life Game of Thrones #royalbaby.”

“It’s a boy! So happy for my cousin Kate and the future King of England!” Ellen DeGeneres tweeted. Even Pitbull piped up, using the hashtag #itsaboy: “Congrats to the #UK y Felicidades Prince William and Duchess Kate #itsaboy.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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