March 14, 2025

Nick Jonas Debated For 24 Hours About Posting Shirtless Selfie

Nick Jonas proved that “healthy living” certainly does a body good after posting his surprising — and much-talked-about — shirtless selfie that sent the Internet ablaze, and for that, you can thank Kevin and Joe.

“It took one day to put it up,” Nick told Ryan Seacrest’s radio show. “I debated with my brothers and people in our band like, ‘Should I do this?’ They were like, ‘You have to, you have to,’ so I did it.”

The photo, which Jonas said he only took once, currently has more than 213,000 likes on Instagram, with not only fans, but celebrities swooning over his washboard abs.

“The more shirtless selfies @NickJonas posts, the better my day gets,” Neil Patrick Harris tweeted.

“No, I didn’t really to be honest,” Jonas said in response to whether he thought the picture would spark such reaction. “Like I said in the picture, I never do that, and there are a lot of people running around without their shirts on these days so I didn’t want to just add to the noise, but I felt like as a diabetic its twice as hard to stay in shape…so I just wanted to be an inspiration to those people…it’s been a pretty hilarious reaction”

Yet, there is still one question that many JoBro fans have been wondering: who took the now famous photo?

“That was the funniest part of the reaction people trying to figure out who took it,” Jonas said. “And it was me, there is a self-timer setting on the camera app that I use, so I did that, so it was pretty funny seeing people speculate.”

Jonas went on to say that he isn’t sure if he will be posting another picture, but did tell fans to be on the lookout for more of his abs since he’s “got a few love scenes” in is upcoming flick “Careful What You Wish For,” which hits theaters next year.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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