March 15, 2025

First ‘Captain America: Winter Soldier’ Clip Knocks Out D23 Audience

Anaheim, CA — For it’s part in the Disney’s D23 Expo, Marvel Studios and its president Kevin Feige presented the audience an exclusive look at the rest of what it calls Phase Two.

First up was November’s “Thor: The Dark World,” the fantastical return to the world of monsters, gods, and villains. Feige kicked off the presentation with the action sequence and sizzle reel that the audiences at San Diego Comic-Con saw last month. He then welcomed some of the cast including Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, and Anthony Hopkins, who spoke about what we can expect from Jane Foster’s first few days in Asgard. Marvel then debuted a never-before-seen clip from the film that takes place not long after Jane arrives.

At some point during the film, Jane becomes infected with something from another world. In an Asgardian hospital wing, she lies on a table, arguing with some of the technicians whether the machine examining her is the device she believes it to be. Odin arrives to compare Jane to a “goat at the banquet table” before telling her to leave. Even in the short clip, the same quirky humor from the first film was again on display.

Marvel then shifted its focus to 2014, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” and “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, and Sebastian Stan came out on stage after Marvel replayed the Comic-Con presentation for the crowd. The D23 audience then watched the first rough clip from the film.

In a S.H.I.E.L.D. quinjet, Cap and Black Widow discuss a potential girlfriend for the legendary soldier, but he insists that he’s far too busy for attachment as he jumps out the plane without a parachute. He lands in the water next to a tanker and proceeds to expertly clear the deck of enemies with the proficiency of a super-soldier. Just like the elevator sequence shown at Comic-Con, the clip featured action expertly directed by the Russo brothers that is clear, kinetic, and outrageously fun.

“Guardians of the Galaxy,” now a few more weeks into production than it had been when director James Gunn first showed off footage at Comic-Con, was up next. Feige played that sizzle reel once again, before tossing to the much-discussed teaser for “Avengers: Age of Ultron.”

Though Marvel had no news to share with the group, the studio feels confident in its upcoming slate of films, and let them speak for themselves.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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