March 15, 2025

‘Mortal Instruments’ Clary Fray: The Beyonce Of Shadowhunters?

Katniss, Hermione and Bella will be in good company come August 21, when Clary — the heroine of Cassandra Clare’s best-selling young-adult series “The Mortal Instruments” — joins the fray in

The story centers around Clary’s (Lily Collins) search for her mother (Lena Headey), who’s been kidnapped. The 16-year-old turns to the mysterious Jace Wayland and his race of half-human, half-angel demon destroyers (known as Shadowhunter) for assistance. But that isn’t to say Clary’s not completely capable. As Collins told MTV News recently, her character has many unique traits you may not have seen in many teens on screen.

“She has this kind of sassy comedic undertone, which Jace brings out in her as well as Simon,” she said. “She doesn’t choose to become part of this other world. She already is a Shadowhunter. Unlike Bella who chose to become a vampire, Clary is already a Shadowhunter, and she doesn’t let romance define her. She’s on this single track to get her mom back, and she doesn’t victimize herself. She’s always thinking of new answers to questions instead of kind of letting people solve them for her.”

One question Clary’s real-life alter ego had to answer while filming was, how do I run in these heels?

“It was difficult, but I never fell once,” Collins said. “Any awkwardness as Lily running around in hells and a short dress I could just play off as Clary. So, really, it worked out for me.”

Yes, it would seem Clary Fray is the Beyonce of Shadowhunters — especially after we learned of one particular on-set demand Collins had.

“I did ask for a personal fan to be blowing at all times on my face,” she joked.

“Like a crazy fan?” co-star Jamie Campbell Bower asked, miming an admirer blowing on Collins’ face.

“Jamie sometimes did it for me,” she said. “But I am having wardrobe talks for the next one, and I’m probably going to request a little bit shorter or a little less revealing.”

“A little bit shorter?” Campbell asked incredulously.

The actor seemed relieved when his co-stars explained it would be the heel (not the dress) that would be shorter. “I was going to say, a little bit shorter is going to be a belt! Are you mad?” he exclaimed.

“I want those men in theaters,” Collins said with a grin.

“A completely different demo,” Campbell replied. “We’ll discuss that.”

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