March 4, 2025

Avril Lavigne Says Wedding Planning Is ‘Full-Time Job’

She may not want to act like a grown-up in her music, but in her personal life, Avril Lavigne is about to take on the adult role of wife.

The rock-pop singer has been hard at work planning her wedding to Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger, and according to Lavigne, so far, everything has been running smoothly.

“I’m planning, making plans,” Lavigne recently told MTV News of her upcoming nuptials. “It’s going pretty smooth. My wedding planner, she knows what she is doing, but there’s a lot that goes into it. Planning a wedding is almost like a full-time job. There’s a lot of details.”

Even though her secret-themed wedding may be taking up much of her time, she is still managing to find some moments to put the finishing touches on her upcoming fifth studio album, due out in September.

Now, it’s safe to assume this album takes on a very special meaning to the singer, since it was during the recording process where her relationship with Kroeger began.

“He came down to write a song with me for the record and then de didn’t leave,” Lavigne said jokingly. “Then we just ended up becoming really good friends, and setting up more writing sessions and now we’re engaged.”

Kroeger, who proposed to Lavigne in the studio, not only co-wrote several songs on the album, including the lead single, “Here’s to Never Growing Up,” but the two also share a duet. So, does that mean Kroeger will be joining his fiancé on tour?

“Well, we have a song together, so we will start there,” Lavigne said.

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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