February 27, 2025

How ‘Fast & Furious 6’ Nearly Sent Vin Diesel Up In Flames

When the title of your movie has the words “fast” and “furious” in it, it feels like injuries are inevitable. But star Vin Diesel told MTV News they’re extremely careful about avoiding anything that might lead to a real accident.

“If there’s an injury, we already feel like we’ve failed a little bit as a team,” Diesel said.

But the actor confessed that he did, in fact, experience his scariest moment as an actor while shooting the highly anticipated sequel.

“I’m in my Dodge Daytona, and they said, ‘We want you to drive through this smoke,’ ” he recalled. “While I’m waiting, I’m seeing these guys pull over these huge tanks of gas and pouring them into those gas-explosion things. And I hear ‘action,’ and as I’m getting closer, I see flames coming out of these gas tanks. Once I get to the gas tanks, it’s like two giant fireballs were shot at my car.”

Although Diesel has a reputation for doing his own stunts, he admitted that this one went a little further than he was comfortable with.

“I saw all of these paramedics, I saw the fire department, and I was like, ‘What are these people doing here?’ ” he revealed. “My equilibrium was off, because the explosions came through the window, and they wanted me to slalom a little bit when I came out like I was out of control. So I did that, and everyone was running over like, ‘I think we lost him!’ “

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Still, co-star Paul Walker observed that there was an advantage to Diesel doing the stunt instead of another member of the ensemble cast. “With flash burns being a concern and all of that, when he pulled over, they said, ‘At least it was Vin,’ ” he recalled of his bald-headed colleague. “Because if it was anybody else, it would have singed their hair!”

“Fast & Furious 6” arrives in theaters nationwide Friday.

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