February 23, 2025

A 15 Year-Old Boy Penned The Perfect Response To Emma Watson’s Speech On Feminism

Emma Watson’s gorgeous UN speech on feminism has already garnered the support of many manly celebs, but our favorite response to her call to action has to be this one: a letter to the editor, penned by 15 year-old Ed Holtom of St. Albans School in Hertfordshire, and published in English newspaper The Telegraph.

Holtom wrote the letter after being “disappointed” by his male classmates’ responses to Watson’s speech; his op-ed began to go viral after English actor Nicholas Pegg tweeted out a pic of the letter, calling it “magnificent.”

In his letter, Holtom echoed the actress’s thoughts about gender stereotyping and its harmful effects on both men and women. He wrote, “If we want equality, it will take more effort than paying women the same as men, or giving women equal opportunities. We must stop pressuring each other to fit stereotypes which more often than not leaves us feeling repressed and unable to express ourselves. We must not let gender define us.”

Although famous men of all stripes have been speaking out in support of Watson’s #HeForShe campaign, it’s a different kind of triumph entirely for an ordinary guy to lend his voice to the cause. Ed Holtom, we salute you! Here’s hoping some of his fellow dudes follow suit, and keep the word rolling.

About the author  ⁄ Kat Rosenfield

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