February 24, 2025

Abigail Breslin And Arnold Schwarzenegger Are Going To Zombify Your 2015

The best new zombie movie you’ve never heard of is coming to theaters sooner than expected, thanks to some speedy snapping-up by Lionsgate.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the studio purchased rights for “Maggie,” starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Abigail Breslin as a father and daughter living through the zombie apocalypse, at the last minute before its scheduled premiere at the Toronto Film Festival this week. Instead, the movie will make its way into theaters across North America sometime in the first half of 2015 — which makes it one to put on your must-watch list for next year. Here’s why.

Breathing new life into the undead
“Maggie” promises all the usual horrors of the zombie genre, but with a subversive twist. In this story, Breslin’s character is infected with the zombie plague and trying to ready herself for the end with the help of her father, who won’t leave her side — making it less a survivalist thriller, and more a dramatic study of a family facing down its doom.

Arnold gets to dig deep
With Schwarzenegger’s reputation as a go-to guy for action heroics with an occasional side of physical comedy, it’s nice to see him take a role in which he can take a break from punching things and actually, like, emote. Although on the downside, this also means that “Maggie” will probably not include a scene in which Arnold delivers deadpan one-liners while mowing down zombies with a machine gun attached to a bigger machine gun attached to a muscle car.

Abigail Breslin fulfills her “Zombieland” destiny
If you loved seeing Breslin surrounded by the walking dead in the 2009 comedy “Zombieland,” it’ll be awesome to see her do it again! And if your only complaint about “Zombieland” was that she didn’t get bitten and turn into a cannibal corpse, well, welcome to the total fulfillment of your weird little wish.

“Maggie” will hit theaters in 2015.

About the author  ⁄ Kat Rosenfield

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