February 23, 2025

Adam Sandler Is Making Four New Movies Just For Netflix

Netflix isn’t just making all-new original shows anymore. It’s also getting in the all-new original feature film business as well. The streaming service is already set to release “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Green Legend” as its first feature, and now, Netflix has lined up four more original movies — and they’re all about Adam Sandler.

The legendary “Billy Madison” and “Happy Gilmore” comedian has teamed up with Netflix to star in and produce four feature films, exclusively for Netflix. That’s right: Four brand-new Sandler movies, completely bypassing theaters, landing firmly and immediately on Netflix.

“People love Adam’s films on Netflix and often watch them again and again,” says Netflix’s Ted Sarandos. “His appeal spans across viewers of all ages — everybody has a favorite movie, everyone has a favorite line — not just in the US but all over the world.”

As for why Sandler wants in on the Netflix game? His answer is… well, it’s positively Sandler.

“When these fine people came to me with an offer to make four movies for them, I immediately said yes for one reason and one reason only… Netflix rhymes with Wet Chicks,” he said. “Let the streaming begin!”

Oh, Adam.

Right now, there’s no word on the actual movies that Sandler’s set to make for Netflix, or when you should expect to see them. The Happy Madison mastermind is best known for comedy, but he’s dabbled in dramatic fare previously, as recently as “The Cobbler,” which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival this year. It’s just too early to say what genres he’ll pursue — but needless to say, “Wet Chicks” certainly sounds like the title of an Adam Sandler movie.

Likes pizza, punch and pie. Dislikes the Chitauri.


About the author  ⁄ Josh Wigler

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