March 17, 2025

After Miley’s ‘Twerk’ Makes Dictionary, Juicy J Pushes For ‘Ratchet’

The word “twerk” is definitely having the best week ever. After Miley Cyrus gyrated across the 2013 MTV Video Awards stage and shook her money-maker on Robin Thicke, America has become even more obsessed with the dance.

On Wednesday (August 28), Oxford Dictionaries Online added “twerk” in its latest edition and while Juicy J is happy that the “old hood word” made the cut, he had a couple of other suggestions for the folks at Oxford.

“Is ratchet in there already? Ratchet should definitely be in there,” Juice told “RapFix Live” host Sway Calloway when he appeared on today’s show.

Actually, Juicy, ratchet is in the dictionary and defined as: “a device consisting of a bar or wheel with a set of angled teeth in which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages, allowing motion in one direction only.”

However it doesn’t define the hip-hop spin on the word, which means something synonymous to deplorable.

One “RapFix” audience member suggested “trippy” as a word to be included in the dictionary; it just so happens the name of Juicy’s new LP is Stay Trippy. “I think trippy is already in there,” he said. “I didn’t get any cash off that though, I’m waiting.”

As far as Miley’s VMA performance, Juicy is still amazed. “Miley Cyrus is super seeeeeeexy,” Juicy J told MTV News excitedly as he was getting ready to exit the Barclays Center. “Man, Miley Cyrus did a great job man. Robin Thicke, salute,” he said. “It was crazy. When she took those clothes off? Whoa.”

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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