March 10, 2025

‘Age Of Ultron’ Revealed: Watch Chris Evans Learn The ‘Avengers 2’ Title

SAN DIEGO — How do you keep a secret like Ultron? Don’t tell anyone.

Or only those that truly need to know. That’s how Marvel Studios and director Joss Whedon were able to roll into San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday night armed with the still-secret title of their “Avengers” sequel and break the news to a rapid crowd in Hall H. And that’s how, minutes later, MTV News was able to reveal the name — — to Chris Evans himself.

Not even Captain America knew. That’s how you keep a massive piece of Hollywood news secret.

“Who’s Ultron?” Evans asked once we revealed the title, turning to costar Scarlett Johansson and asking again, “Who’s Ultron?”

Johansson was equally in the dark, wondering aloud if she’d still be stepping into the skintight suit of Black Widow. “They keep us in a container,” she cracked. “Who do I play?”

The two actors have got some time to get up to speed. “Age of Ultron” doesn’t hit theaters until 2015. For now, they’re concentrating on their superhero sequel coming out next year — a movie that Evans suggests will be much more character-driven than past Marvel flicks.

“In the early ‘Iron Man’ movies, the Cap movie, even ‘The Avengers,’ you didn’t really get a lot of time with the characters individually. And I think both characters — Black Widow and Capt — have some depth to them,” he explained. “They both have trust issues. They both, as Scarlett said, have been working for other people for a really long time.”

Evans added, “Given their current situation — you can’t give too much away — they’re both forced to look at what’s motivated their actions for the past x-amount of years. In a weird way, because they come from a very different approach to morals and values, they’ve found a common ground and they each teach each other something about who they are.”

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