March 31, 2025

‘American Idol’ Recap: Alabama Three Dwindles Down To One

It was a tearful goodbye on “American Idol” on Thursday (April 24), as C.J. Harris was voted off the show. Following last week’s dismissal of Dexter Roberts, Harris became the second Alabama Three member in a row to be shown the door.

Here’s how Harris’ elimination went down.

Harris Says Goodbye
As predicted following Wednesday’s show, it was Harris’ time to leave “Idol’s” mortal coil. His performance of the Guess Who’s “American Woman” lacked pizzazz and when he took on Zac Brown Band’s “Whatever It Is” for his country song — which should have been his ace in the hole — it was a very “whatever” performance. With Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene racing to the top of the competition, the deep canyon between their performances and Harris’ was evident, and voters noticed it too.

Harris knew it was his time. Before the results were read, Ryan Seacrest asked him if he wished he would have done anything different the night before. “I probably would have picked a better song choice,” Harris said, a lump in his throat. And then Seacrest dimmed the lights and lowered the boom on him.

It was Harris’ fourth time facing elimination, so it didn’t come as much of a surprise. But the tears flowed as he sang his final song, Marshall Tucker Band’s “Can’t You See.” Jennifer Lopez shed a few tears as well, as Harris and his castmates group-hugged in the middle of the “Idol” stage. Harris’ mother joined in on the action as well, getting up onstage and saying she was proud of her son and his run on the show.

Meuse In Bottom — Again
Harris was joined in the bottom by Jessica Meuse, her second consecutive week at the bottom of the barrel, and she couldn’t hide her frustration with the situation. Her face was stoic, and she stuck to her guns when Seacrest asked if she wished she’d done anything different during Wednesday’s show. “I’m always true to myself, that’s what matters,” she said.

With Sam Woolf safe from the threat of elimination yet again — it appears as though the save worked in his favor — Meuse is next on the chopping block if she doesn’t make some adjustments for next week’s show.

Next Week: America’s Choice
On next Wednesday’s “Idol,” the Top 5 contestants will sing two songs apiece, as chosen by America. Details on how America will choose those songs (web poll? Carrier pigeon? Rooftop shouting?) are TBA.

Also next week, the “Idols” will be helped along by Mr. A-Z himself, Jason Mraz. But since he’s already BFFs with Alex Preston, doesn’t that give him an unfair advantage? We’ll find out next week!

What did you think about the elimination of C.J. Harris? Let us know in the comments!

About the author  ⁄ MTV News

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