February 23, 2025

‘Arrow’: Everything You Missed On ‘City Of Blood’

By Ryan Rigley

After the shocking ending to last week’s episode of “Arrow,” this week’s — titled “City of Blood” — opens with a memorial service for the dearly departed Moira Queen.

With Oliver nowhere in sight, Diggle and Felicity must go to A.R.G.U.S. leader Amanda Waller for help tracking him down. Meanwhile, Sebastian Blood’s first act as mayor is to rally Slade Wilson’s army of convicts and destroy Starling City.

Here are all the biggest moments on this week’s “Arrow”:

City of Blood

Mayor Blood
Two days in office and already Sebastian Blood is shaping up to be the worst mayor in Starling City history. Now that Blood knows that Oliver is the Arrow, it’s only a matter of time before he gets kicked out of City Hall. The only problem is, how will the citizens of Starling City view the Arrow once he’s seen publicly taking down their beloved mayor?

A Jobless, Homeless Orphan
With Isabel Rochev still alive and well, Thea has officially lost everything that she once held dear. Her house, her job, even her mother, have all been seized by Slade Wilson and “The Queen.” What will happen to Thea now that she literally has nothing left to live for? Perhaps, her true father, Malcolm Merlyn, will be able to lure her over to the dark side…

City of Blood

Laurel Joins Team Arrow
While Laurel has known Oliver’s secret for a few episodes now, she’s yet to do anything with the information up until this point. Now, she’s proved to be a key asset to Team Arrow, talking Oliver out of killing himself and even physically saving his life. Seems like Laurel is now one step closer to filling her sister Sarah’s Black Canary shoes.

In an act of vengeance, the now super-strong Isabel Rochev confronts Diggle wearing a Deathstroke costume. Although Isabel isn’t directly related to Slade, her Deathstroke costume is clearly an homage to the character Ravager. In the comics, Ravager is actually Slade Wilson’s daughter, Rose Wilson, and was at one point a member of the Teen Titans.

City of Blood

This Means War
Rallied by their skull-masked mayor, Slade’s army takes to the streets of Starling City. But with Roy Harper and Black Canary still out of commission, what are the chances that Team Arrow will be able to stop them in time?

It’s already been hinted that Oliver might have to sacrifice everything he’s worked so hard towards this season and kill the convicts. Yet even with S.T.A.R. Labs’ Mirakuru cure, how is Team Arrow going to get to all of the masked thugs spread across the city? Guess we’ll just have to tune in next week to find out!

About the author  ⁄ MTV News Staff

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