December 19, 2024

About the author  ⁄ Clint Mize

‘Sunset Overdrive’ Is Our New Favorite Punk Rock Apocalypse Video Game

by 2 mins ago

Tired of all the super serious grimdark games that have been par for the course the last few years? Well, you’re in luck as Xbox One finally gets a zany third person shooter thanks to Insomniac Games!

“Sunset Overdrive” is the love-child between “Ratchet and Clank” and “Jet Grind Radio” in that the game blends the fluid traversal of the latter with the wacky shooting of the former. Insomniac pulls out their special brand of over-the-top weapons as you bounce, grind, and blast your way through the soft drink apocalypse.

You’ll have a big smile the whole time.

Dawn of the Apocalypse
The plot for “Sunset Overdrive” is just as silly as the gameplay. Fizzco — an energy drink manufacturer — has unwittingly released a batch of tainted batch of their latest product which resulted in a nasty side effect turning partakers into roided out mutants. You barely escaped the initial onslaught and have been holed up in your apartment as the city burns. However, leftover pizza doesn’t last long enough and you’re soon pushed out into a brand new world filled with monsters, gangs of punks and Fizzco security bots. It’s up to you and your friends to stop them once and for all.

The city is pretty large and open for exploration. “Sunset Overdrive” takes many cues from other open world games and lets you go about your business wrapping up missions. Or you can just wander around gathering the tons of collectibles that will open new powers and unlock ...

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Nintendo Has Their Answer To ‘Skylanders’ And ‘Disney Infinity’

by 5 mins ago

Nintendo has finally tossed their hat into the “toys to life” genre with adorable plastic figurines called Amiibo. And though they don’t hit stores until November 21, MTV News got a chance to play around with them and saw how they’d be used in the Wii U “Smash Bros.” game.

Popularized with the advent of “Skylanders” and “Disney Infinity,” Amiibo follow a similar path – but are featured in a slightly different way. Instead of bringing characters into the game world, Amiibo act as a kind of digital version of yourself.

The clever thing is how an Amiibo develops. Your Amiibo gains levels and advances as you play with them and become somewhat of a protégé. You’ll develop a master/apprentice relationship as you train you Amiibo in “Smash” battles. You can even pit your Amiibo against friends’ and have them learn on their own. And this is really the heart of Amiibo — teaching it to play how you play. It’s really cool to see you character mature and become a pro.

Keep in mind that each character has their own Amiibo represented. Meaning that a Yoshi Amiibo only plays as Yoshi, and Mario as Mario. You’ll need to buy each one if you want to level each character. At $12.99 a pop, it’s quite a diabolical move sure to empty our wallets. Fortunately, you won’t need any extra peripherals as they interact directly with the Wii U GamePad through a near-field chip.

But they’re so cute that we won’t ...

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‘Bayonetta 2′: What You Need To Know About Nintendo’s Hair-Fighting Game

by 4 mins ago

It’s been 4 long years since Platinum Games first heated up consoles with a brash and beautiful new action game titled “Bayonetta.” Set as a kinda-sorta spiritual successor to the “Devil May Cry” series, it blasted into the hearts of brawler fans and quickly became a cult hit.

And now SEGA is bringing the franchise back for a sequel on the Wii U. So does “Bayonetta 2″ live up to the hype? Should you pick up a Wii U for it? Yes, and yes! Here’s why.

Who Is Bayonetta?

Bayonetta 2Platinum Games

So what or who, exactly, is a Bayonetta? Well, she’s a powerful witch born into a war between heaven and hell who uses her fighting prowess to beat the tar out of anyone or anything that gets in her way. Also, her hair is used both as a way to summon mythical creatures and spells and doubles as her outfit. ALSO! She has a wicked pair of high heels that hosts a pair of pistols for maximum slaying! Got it? No? It doesn’t matter because you’ll be having too much fun to care.

Bewitching Battles
Punching out combos to whip baddies into submission is the name of the game. As you navigate the world, you’ll encounter enemies you’ll need to pummel the opposition to progress. Fortunately, Bayonetta is a beast at fighting. She has a vast repertoire of attacks and weapons and can purchase more by earning currency in the form of halos and demonic gems. Executing attacks ...

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‘LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham’: We’re Hands On With DC’s Newest Video Game

by 10 mins ago

Now that the bat’s outta the bag about the new LEGO movie, perhaps it’s the best time to share our thoughts about the upcoming LEGO game, “LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham!”

Yup, the fine folks at Warner Bros. and TT Games are at it again, and we got our eager hands on their latest LEGO adventure featuring your favorite DC heroes – before it hits stores on November 11.

Beyond Gotham
As the title suggests, you aren’t confined to the city limits of Gotham. Indeed, TT Games have upped the ante, expanding the story to stretch further into the DC Universe. Taking lessons learned with the massive “LEGO Marvel Superheroes,” they’ve opened up a host of new narrative opportunities. As for the main story, we can’t get into too much detail as we only had a short time to play the game. Suffice to say, you’ll round up the whole Justice League to thwart the baddest and most fearsome DC villains and save the world. Basically, expect lots of punching Lex Luthor in his smug face!

While what we played was heavy with Batman, additional characters will play a bigger role in things to come. Furthermore, these characters feel distinct, with players able to choose what special abilities they’ll need to progress. There’s also freemode, which lets you play as anyone you’ve unlocked to run through the missions. And of course you can jump in with a friend for buddy bashing madness.

Building New Gameplay
This go around, TT Games are offering up ...

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‘Alien: Isolation’ Is A True Sequel In Video Game Form

by 4 mins ago

Getting horror right is one of the most difficult things to accomplish in the video game medium. So much is based upon player input that sometimes what’s happening on screen falls out of sync with what’s going on in the players mind.

This is partly the reason why the survival horror genre has morphed into a first person “theme park” ride of frights in which the screams come from startling the player with jump scares. Thinking back to the P.T. demo, you’re thrust into the idea that “hey, just maybe these alien things are real” by recreating a believable universe. While, “Alien: Isolation” doesn’t shy away from some of these elements it works best when it envelopes you into its world.

It’s been quite a bit since the xenomorph terror has induced this much fear but it’s earned, not by mashing it into your face suddenly, but through creepy pacing, excellent use of environmental tricks, and loyalty for the movie that began a legacy of horror.

This is what we learned when we weren’t cowering in fear.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

AI_LAUNCH_SCREEN005_1411636901SEGA/20th Century FOX

The story follows 15 years after the incident in the original “Alien,” with you playing the role of Ripley’s daughter, Amanda. She’s currently employed by the same corporate entity as her Mom – Weyland-Yutani – as an engineer when word of her mother’s ship, Nostromo resurfaces. Seeking the flight data of its hazardous voyage, the Company sends a team – along with Amanda – to ...

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Go Behind Enemy Lines With This ‘Shadow of Mordor’ Trailer

by 4 mins ago

We’ve already gone over how much fun “Shadow of Mordor” is to play and it seems like everyone else is having a blast hacking through the horde of orcs.

But don’t you feel kinda bad for these misunderstand orcs? They train and fight and try so hard to be the best that it’s almost noble — in way. So why don’t we take a peek into their world for a change and see what makes them tick?

The latest trailer for the smash hit “Shadow of Mordor” does exactly this. Dive into the simple realm of the orcs and witness their rituals, their bravery, and their way of life. Don’t these misguided creatures deserve a chance? Can’t we just sheathe our swords and hug it out?

Wait, no. They’re gross and terrible and killed you and your family. You’re a badass ranger bound to a vengeful wraith. Peace is for the birds. No, you’ll get your revenge and you’ll rid the good folks of Middle-earth of this terrible orc infestation. Go get ‘em!

“Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor” is available now.


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