January 27, 2025

About the author  ⁄ Deepa Lakshmin

Do You Text While Walking? There’s A Sidewalk Just For You

by 40 mins ago

Forget bike lanes — cell phone lanes are the next big thing. There’s now a sidewalk lane in Chongqing, China that’s specifically for people who want to text and walk at the same time.

“Cellphones, walk in this lane at your own risk” reads one lane. The neighboring one says, “No cellphones.”

Look, we get it. Nobody wants to be stuck behind a slow walker who’s typing what must be an 80-page thesis into their phone. And we’re all guilty of running into the occasional street pole after getting sucked into an intense texting convo.

Our habits can be dangerous, though. We all know that texting while driving is a big no-no — but distracted walking causes more injuries per mile than distracted driving does, according to ScienceDaily. Of course, texting-while-walking injuries aren’t as severe as texting-while-driving ones are.

Texting and walking gif

Using your phone and walking at the same time throws off your balance, so it’s no surprise you’ll bump into anything and everything if you’re not watching where you’re going. This can lead to some pretty dangerous consequences, as was the case with this guy who was preoccupied by his phone and straight-up fell onto subway tracks after walking right off the platform.

subway fall

Last July National Geographic set up similar sidewalk lanes in Washington, D.C. — one for cell phone users and one for non-phone users, as in Chongqing. The temporary set-up was for the ...

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Your College May Own A Ton Of Weapons From The U.S. Military

by 29 mins ago

You expect your college campus to have a quad, a library, a student center and a cafeteria — but how about a mine-resistant vehicle, a bayonet-knife, a grenade launcher and a bunch of M-16 rifles?

According to a new report, they’re all present on college campuses nationwide. Yes, that’s right — your college could have military-grade weapons and equipment just lying around. Casual.

Last week The Chronicle of Higher Education published a full list of everything the U.S. Department Of Defense has sent to 117 colleges across the U.S. since 1998. Here’s a sample (screenshot via Esquire), just to give you an idea of what kind of school supplies we’re talking about:


The full list — which you can check out over at The Chronicle — isn’t even complete yet. The inventory data still isn’t available for 11 states, as well as for Washington, D.C.

So how did all these universities gain this gear? The 1033 federal program allows extra leftover military supplies to be sent to law enforcement agencies all over the country — in this case, campus police forces. Colleges that participate in the program only need to pay shipping and maintenance costs.

These tools are only intended for dangerous situations like shootings or riots, and the police who handle these weapons are also thoroughly trained to do so. But the main worry is that campus police departments will abuse their power — a debate that’s even more critical given the events in ...

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Naked Handstands Are One Way To Protest The iPhone 6

by 1 min ago

If you’re sick of upgrading all your tech gear every time a new product launches, a naked guy halfway across the world is doing a handstand just for you.

“The Naked Handstander” (NSFW photos) is a guy who, for the past five years, has been doing handstands all over the world — without clothes, natch — to raise awareness for planned obsolescence, a fancy term for expensive stuff becoming obsolete, which he describes as “the deliberate shortening of a product’s useful life in order to force the consumer to buy or ‘upgrade’ over and over and over again…in the name of Profit and Greed.”

Trolltunga, Norway

The first naked handstand took place in Vik, Iceland way back in May 2009. Since then, he’s donned his birthday suit for the cause in Australia, the U.S., China, Sweden, Norway, and Thailand, among many other countries.

“I’m not exactly sure what triggered the first naked handstand, it just came naturally,” he told the Independent.

New York

The Naked Handstander points out on his blog that our clothes are falling apart faster than they used to and that, in general, products aren’t made to last a long time because companies want you to re-purchase the items that break. And that’s how you end up with three outdated, just-broken-enough-so-that-it’s-unusable phones or mp3 players or laptops stuffed at the bottom of your desk drawer.

The Naked Handstander is, as expected, not too happy about the recent iPhone 6 ...

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19 People You’ll Meet At Your First Frat Party

by 4 mins ago

Ahh, September. ‘Tis the season for school supplies, falling leaves and raucous house parties to celebrate the new academic year. College freshies, don’t go into your first frat party naive and clueless. Here are all the glamorous people you can expect to brush shoulders with this weekend.

1. The Frat Boys Hosting The Party, Who Seriously Insist You Call Them “Fraternity Men”

Can't Hardly Wait Legs gif

2. The Freshman Who Hopelessly Hits On An Upperclassman

pick up line

3. The Person Who Cries When They Get Drunk

Aria Montgomery crying gif

4. The Clearly Out-Of-Place Graduate Trying To Relive Their Golden Days

Fellow kids gif

Related: 11 People To Break Ties With Now That You’re In College

5. The Couple Who Met Each Other Five Minutes Ago And Are Now Making Out Like Their Lives Depend On It

Bad making out

6. The Party Poopers Ruining The Vibe By Complaining About How They Have “Sooo Many Exams Next Week”

jennifer lawrence homework

7. The Overly Self-Impressed Bartender


8. The Kid Who’s Had A Little Too Much Who Locks The Bathroom Door, So Now You Have Nowhere To Pee

need to pee gif

9. The Kid Who’s Nice Enough To Direct You To A Bathroom On The Top Floor That Actually Has Soap And Toilet Paper #blessed

Toilet paper

10. The ...

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The College Majors Of (Almost) Every ‘Game Of Thrones’ Character

by 1 min ago

Everyone’s gotta start somewhere, right? Westeros isn’t just about duels to the death — education is important, people! A bachelor’s degree should be a prerequisite for the Iron Throne. So, what would your favorite “GoT” character study to prepare himself or herself for the real world (of George R.R. Martin’s imagination)?

Spoilers ahead, if you’re not caught up with Season 4…

Petyr Baelish – Psychology


Nobody can read a mind quite like Littlefinger can. He always knows what you’re up to, but he doesn’t care about treating your issues — he’ll just use that info to manipulate you mercilessly.

Khal Drogo – Astronomy

Khal drogo major gif

Khal didn’t do much with his degree after graduation, but it did inspire those “moon of my life…my sun and stars” pet names with Daenerys.

Cersei Lannister – Finance


Girl gets s–t done. She was one of those annoying people who had a job offer two months into her senior year of college.

Stannis Baratheon – Statistics

Stannis major gif

This guy’s all about the strategy. In college, he was the guy who took out his calculator immediately after every exam to determine where his potential grade landed on the curve.

Related: 17 ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Get Their Names Screwed Up At Starbucks

Tyrion Lannister – Pre-Law

dog leash got

He can debate. He’s good at studying. He likes books. That’s all you need to ace the LSATs, right?

Gendry – Mechanical Engineering

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Teen Cashier Embezzles $40,000(!) From Best Buy, Judge Lets Her Off The Hook

by 4 mins ago

Johanna Rae Taylor could’ve received a decade-long prison sentence, but this 19-year-old is perhaps America’s luckiest thief.

Over the course of five months, Taylor — a former Best Buy cashier in Grand Rapids, Michigan — ordered $35,000 worth of Best Buy appliances and electronics online, then used her computer skills at work to change the amount she paid for these items to $0. She did this more than 80 times, ultimately pleading guilty to the charges, Mlive.com reports.

Plus, she stole $561 in store gift cards and $3,644 in cash the old-fashioned way — summing up to a grand total of $39,654. (I mean, what does a 19-year-old even do with that much money?)

Convicted of embezzling from her employer, Taylor wouldn’t have gotten out of prison until she was almost 30…but the judge took pity on her, calling the teenager “one of the least likely criminal types” that he’s seen, adding, “You don’t seem generally disposed toward criminal conduct.”

So instead of 10 years behind bars, the judge only gave her 200 hours of community service over the next three months, plus a reduced (but still huge) $24,769 in restitution. Oh yeah, she also has to return $12,000 worth of unopened “purchases.”

And because Taylor is a first time offender under the age of 21, the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act can keep a felony conviction off her permanent record (she won’t have to reveal any of this info on her future job applications) as long as she ...

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You Won’t Be Able To Afford Pizza Soon

by 3 mins ago

Say goodbye to $1 pizza. Milk is getting more expensive, and that means all dairy products — cheese, baked goods, pastries, everything that you hold near and dear to your heart — will be seeing a price bump.

The U.S. just doesn’t have enough dairy supplies to fulfill the consumers’ demands, Bloomberg reports, leading to a surge in imports…and costs. It may be time to start hoarding and freezing. Who knows, maybe buying an extra refrigerator will soon be less expensive than a box of pie. (OK, probably not, but still.)

Related: This Awesome Redditor Delivers Pizza To Those In Need

In July a gallon of whole milk was a whopping $3.65, the highest price the Bureau of Labor Statistics has seen since 2011. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that we’ll use up to 93.4 tons of milk this year alone, so yes, that might get a little expensive. You might have to settle for hot dogs — *gasp* — instead of cheesy pizza goodness this football season.

In short: We’re all gonna starve and Asher Roth will need to change his “I can get pizza a dollar a slice” lyric.

Aaand now here’s some pizza gifs to help you get over your loss.

Pizza the notebookl

pizza game of thrones

pizza little mermaid


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Male Birth Control Is Almost Here — And No, We Don’t Mean Condoms

by 16 mins ago

For decades, guys have worried about their girlfriends remembering to take the pill — but soon, the responsibility may be on both genders. Or even just men.

No, the male birth control pill isn’t here — but the male birth control gel is on its way, assuming the human trials go well. (Research has already proven the procedure effective at preventing pregnancy in baboons.) Here’s everything you need to know about the potential future of contraceptives…

Wait, what is this magical pregnancy-preventing drug?
It’s called “Vasalgel,” but it’s not exactly a drug. It’s a non-hormonal polymer gel that temporarily blocks sperm from flowing through guys’ tubes. Simplified tenfold, it’s a reversible vasectomy — minus the cutting.

You said “reversible,” right?
Yep. The gel is injected into the vas deferens — remember learning about those in 7th grade sex ed? — a.k.a. the ducts that transport sperm.

Wait, it’s injected into my balls?
Yep. Sorry. Want some Tylenol?

OK, OK, fine…tell me more.
The gel forms a wall that effectively stops any sperm from swimming to the motherland. When it’s time to reverse the procedure months or even years later, a second injection flushes out the polymer wall and restores the sperm flow. Compare this to a traditional vasectomy, where the vas deferens are permanently cut.

Is it 100% effective?
In the animal study, male baboons on Vasalgel were each given unrestricted, uh, play time with 10 to 15 female baboons. There were no female pregnancies in six months of baboon hanky panky. Earlier research on rabbits also supports ...

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Watch A Guy Carry 27 Beers To Break The World Record

by 13 mins ago

Some people go to the gym after carrying too much beer in their bellies, but 38-year-old German dude Oliver Struempfel goes to the gym to carry it in his arms. Yes, in Germany, competitive beer carrying is a thing. And last Sunday, Struempfel broke the sport(?)’s world record.

Struempfel impressively carried 27 one-liter mugs of beer across a 40-meter distance. (And he isn’t even a waiter, just a tax inspector.) I mean, just look at him go:

Beer carrying record gifYouTube

Struempfel is not a beer-carrying newbie. “I have worked here in the beer tent for the past 17 years, so I have lots of training,” he told Reuters after his big win at the Gillemoos beer festival.

“Of course, it has happened to me before that some beer mugs have fallen down,” he said. “Three years ago, 23 beer mugs fell down at once.” But that’s nothing compared to his new 27-mug world record.

Better start training now if you want to outdo him at Oktoberfest. Watch the full video below:


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Want To Survive A Shark Attack? Be A Lady

by 28 mins ago

There’s plenty of fish in sea, yes, but there’s also a ton of sharks — and a new Australian study suggests that they prefer to feast on men rather than on women.

The researchers from Queensland’s Bond University discovered that 84% of unprovoked — unprovoked! — shark attacks against humans were directed at males. Men also made up 89% of deaths-by-shark-bite. Meanwhile, women were found to be nine times more likely to survive a shark attack than guys were.

“Potentially men spend more time in the water, and are more risk-prone,” associate professor and study author Daryl McPhee told the Telegraph.

Shark attack malesGiphy

Related: 7 Reasons (Not Counting Sharks) The Ocean Should Terrify You

The number of unprovoked shark bites has tripled worldwide in the past three decades, prompting increased research on the topic. Australia has the highest number of shark attack fatalities, and over 18% of the country’s 171 recorded attacks between 1982 to 2011 were deadly. Compare that to the U.S., where only 25 out of 769 unprovoked bites — a mere 3.6% — killed the victim.

But this research only applies to unprovoked shark bites. Provoked shark attacks are a whole new ballgame: “People patting sharks on the head, making them angry, putting their hand in the shark’s mouth to get a fishing hook out, jumping on sharks and trying to ride them,” as McPhee explains.

Related: This ‘Testicle-Eating’ Fish Is Back In American Waters

Moral of the ...

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