If you're a Miley Cyrus fan there are a lot of things to be excited about right now: her first #1 Billboard single ("Wrecking Ball"), the October 4 release of Bangerz and the other date circled on your calendar, October 2. That's when MTV's documentary premieres, and based on the flood of social media freak-outs after the first trailer for the one-hour special was unveiled on Wednesday, there's a lot to be psyched about!
Some, like @Willieleathers, picked up on what was the instant pull quote from the trailer, posting, "There's an army. We're all part of the movement."
A lot of fans clipped the iconic shot of Miley and Britney Spears in the studio, or made collages with the pic, along with shots of Miley and her mom, Tish, or Miley at her computer.
Jordan Lynn tweeted, "Had chills the entire time I watched the trailer for #MileyTheMovement. Can't wait for October 2nd."
And then there were the Smilers who did all of the above, like Bianca, who Instagrammed a homemade collage with the title of the show and the "army" quote. Or Zerbrandao, who posted his own cut of the trailer with the simple message, "Yessss yes yes #MileyTheMovement."
Are you excited about "The Movement?" Let us know in comments below!