Following the massive success of "Marvel's the Avengers," creating a sequel that could somehow outdo the new reigning champion of summer blockbusters seemed like a daunting task. But longtime Avengers fans knew that there was one villain who could easily keep the superteam on their toes: Ultron.
"Avengers 2" director Joss Whedon proved to be on the same page as the fans when he revealed the sequel's subtitle: "Age of Ultron." The writer/director opened up about his plans for the sequel in a lengthy interview with Entertainment Weekly.
"I knew right away what I wanted to do with him," said Whedon. "He's always trying to destroy the Avengers. Goddammit, he's got a bee in his bonnet. He's not a happy guy, which means he's an interesting guy." But for those out there expecting Ultron to be a run-of-the-mill robot villian, then you don't know Whedon. "He's got pain. And the way that manifests is not going to be standard robot stuff."
Part of humanizing a ruthless villain like Ultron includes stripping away some of his powers, especially considering the less fantastical — but still heightened — world Whedon hopes to create in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
"We'll take away some of those powers because at some point everybody becomes magic, and I already have someone who's a witch," explained Whedon, referencing new addition to the team, Scarlet Witch.
But who exactly is Ultron, and why should the Avengers fear him? Let's take a look at five facts about Ultron.
Daddy Issues
Like any artificial intelligence, Ultron had to be created by someone. In ...