You might not have heard yet, but Tom Hardy is one the verge of becoming a massive, massive star. His indie film, "Mad Max: Fury Road."
A common thread that has run through Hardy's role in movies like "The Dark Knight Rises," "Locke" and presumably "Mad Max" is his unique chooses when it comes to his voice.
When it comes to his method, Hardy told MTV News what we pretty much already knew at this point. "Voice is key."
Now, we have to assume that sentiment also applies to "Mad Max," but Hardy wouldn't discuss what he's going for, accent-wise, in the world of the post-apocalyptic Outback.
"You're going to get a really bunk answer here because I can't say anything due to contractual obligations," Hardy said.
But he will have to do something with his voice, and Hardy knows that if he's going to keep the career he already has, he can't do Bane every time.
"In reality, I can't keep turning up with the same voice," he said. "People might not like them and go, 'Oh, that's not real.' If I keep turning up with the same voice, I might last about five more minutes. Do you know what I mean?" If I'm the guy with the silly voices, that's fine. As long as I keep working, I'll find a voice you like."
"Mad Max: Fury Road" hits theaters on May 15, 2015.

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