Nick Cannon knows about the pitfalls and tricky turns of fame. He knows how great success can whiplash into unreturned phone calls and loneliness, driving a young star into desperation.
He also knows that his friend, Amanda Bynes, is going through a tough time right now, which is why he posted a lengthy, emotional open letter to his "sister" on Wednesday offering his support and love. "We need each other to in times of despair," he said. "No one can make it through anything alone. So I ask people who are quick to judge, tweet, report, or comment to ask yourself, 'What if that person was my sister? My brother? My Mother? Or me? What then would I say?' "
Cannon, who co-starred with Bynes on the fifth season of the Nickelodeon show "All That" in 1998-1999, explained that he's been asked a lot of questions about Amanda since the 27-year-old actress was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward in California last week after she set a small fire in a stranger's driveway.
"Lately I have been hit with an onslaught of questions about someone I consider family, someone I watched grow up, and someone I genuinely feel is one of the most pleasant human beings I have had the pleasure of meeting, Amanda Bynes," he wrote. Before Bynes' 5150 psychiatric hold, Cannon said he used to brush off the queries with a joke, but once she was hospitalized he said it was no laughing matter.
Read What Happens During A 5150 Hold.
"I tweeted a few weeks about how ...
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